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The word philanthropy no longer expresses the most general of the sympathetic feelings, and we seem to require some new term which shall denote our fellow-feeling with the whole sentient creation. Such is a sample, and I must repeat that it is intended only as a sample, of the class of questions to which, as it seems to me, the moral test still admits of further application.

This encouraging beginning may be taken as a sample of the case it was one long fight against clever counsel, aided by a counsel instead of a judge on the bench. Only once did judge and counsel fall out. Mr. Ince and Mr. Bardswell had been arguing that my Atheism and Malthusianism made me an unfit guardian for my child; Mr.

Mebby she'll purchase one before she gits through being talked to. "I set straight upward on my hotly warmed chair. 'Being talked to! I says, astonished. "'Yes, says the sweet sample of girl. 'Your son, you know, Mister Samuel Mills; he's in the front room interviewing ma. "'My son! I ejaculates weakly, the thermometer in my spinal backbone going up ten thousand degrees hotter.

For just at this moment she looks simply beautiful beyond belief. It is not all the doing of the sunrays, for she is a fine sample of nineteen, of a type which has kindled enthusiasm since the comparatively recent incursion of William the Norman, and will continue to do so till finally dynamited out of existence, ut supra.

'Tis not your girl-page? 'Tis the ship o' that hangdog of a New England captain!" The thing came in a jiffy. Sieur Radisson, having deserted the English Fur Company, was setting up for himself. He was spying the strength of his rivals for the north sea. "You praised my wit. I have but given you a sample."

'Coon rose and said that now the program of performances would begin, and that it would open and close with flying exhibitions the first by Mr. and Mrs. Robin, and the last by Mr. Crow, who, though a good deal out of practice, had promised to give them a sample of old-fashioned flying. Everybody cheered, of course, and then Mr. and Mrs.

"Which," remarked the Adjutant, "if obeyed, would keep them under arms well nigh all the time, and would provoke a collision, as it would be an insult to the troops of other commands, to whom the road should be equally free. But it is a fair sample of the judgment of Pigey." The Presentation Mania The Western Virginia Captain in the War Department Politeness and Mr.

I said that it was all one to me, and put the car into the yard. The inn was a beauty, and I liked the look of it. Perhaps Benny's new manner disarmed me; he was as mild as milk just then, and as affable as a commercial with a sample in his bag. When he appeared again he had the landlord with him, and he told me he was going to stop.

Stanton to Martha Wright is a sample of hundreds which were sent to friends in all parts of the country: I enclose you the proof of the memorial which Susan and I have just been getting up for Congress. I have been writing to Mr. Garrison to make some mention of us, "the only disfranchised class now remaining," in his last Liberator. It is fitting that we should be recognized in his valedictory.

That is a proof to him of the beauty in the midst of which he lives, inexhaustible, hardly discerned; it carries him beyond itself into the ideal world of which it is a sample and illustration; unconsciously during the duties of the day he lives in the light of that vision, and everything is sweetened and blessed thereby. Can we maintain a steady under glow of happiness?