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You must know, that about the fall of the Evening, and at that time when the aequilibrium of Day and Night, for some time, holds the Air in a gloomy suspence between an unwillingness to leave the light, and a natural impulse into the Dominion of darkness, about this time our Hero's, shall I say, sally'd or slunk out of their Lodgings, and steer'd toward the great Palace, whither, before they were arrived, such a prodigious number of Torches were on fire, that the day, by help of these Auxiliary Forces, seem'd to continue its Dominion; the Owls and Bats apprehending their mistake, in counting the hours, retir'd again to a convenient darkness; for Madam Night was no more to be seen than she was to be heard; and the Chymists were of Opinion, That her fuliginous Damps, rarefy'd by the abundance of Flame, were evaporated.

Just you look 'ere, Liza: this is wot 'e done an' call 'isself a man. Just because Sally'd gone aht to 'ave a chat with Mrs. McLeod in the next 'ouse, when she come in 'e start bangin' 'er abaht. An' me, too, wot d'yer think of that! Mrs. Cooper was quite purple with indignation. 'Yus, she went on, 'thet's a man for yer.

It flashed through the scanning process and came out again. "You and Sally," remarked Sally's father's secretary with a morose sigh, "can go and relax this afternoon. But there's no relaxation for Major Holt. Or for me." Joe said unhopefully: "I'm sure Sally'd be glad if you came with us." Major Holt's plain, unglamorous assistant shook her head.

Hetty listened breathlessly, her blue eyes opening wide, and her cheeks growing red. She did not speak. Mrs. Little misinterpreted her silence. "If you didn't want the baby here, I'd take it," she said almost beseechingly, "if Sally'd let me: it would break Jim's heart if they should have to leave here."

Hetty listened breathlessly, her blue eyes opening wide, and her cheeks growing red. She did not speak. Mrs. Little misinterpreted her silence. "If you didn't want the baby here, I 'd take it," she said almost beseechingly, "if Sally'd let me: it would break Jim's heart if they should have to leave here."

One of the men held his hand to his ear, as if not understanding. They came on. They made no threatening gestures. Then Joe took his hand out of his pocket, the pistol Sally'd given him gripped tightly. "I mean that!" he said harshly. "Stand back!" One of the three spoke sharply. On that instant three snub-nosed pistols appeared. Bullets whined as the men hurtled forward.

"In course it does," said Dolf, and he cut the tart into four pieces, having an idea that the last slice would revert to him in the end. They ate the pie and talked amicably over it, while in the end Dolf received the extra piece by earnestly pressing it on his companions, who in turn insisted upon his eating it himself. "Mebby Sally'd like a taste," he said, virtuously.