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On Rugg's declining to stop, Mr. Cutter urged him vehemently. 'Why, Mr.

The ghost was standing there! At first Bert could scarcely believe that he saw aright. But it was true and he promptly dove under the covers. Then he thought of Danny Rugg's cry, "Afraid of a ghost!" and he felt that he ought to have more courage. "I'm going to see what that is," he said to himself, and shoved back the covers once more. The figure in white had moved toward the corner of the room.

"It is true," said Mr. Felt, "sundry stories grew out of Rugg's affair, whether true or false I cannot tell; but stranger things have happened in my day, without even a newspaper notice." "Sir," said I, "Peter Rugg is now living. I have lately seen Peter Rugg and his child, horse and chair; therefore I pray you to relate to me all you know or ever heard of him."

Between this eccentric personage and Clennam, a tacit understanding and accord had been always improving since Mr Pancks flew over Mr Rugg's back in the Marshalsea Yard. When the carriage drove away on the memorable day of the family's departure, these two had looked after it together, and had walked slowly away together.

"Those boys had no right to go on our boat!" said Nan. "No, they had not," agreed her father, "But I'm glad there was no real damage done. The watchman saw the Bluebird soon after she had drifted away from the dock, and he telephoned me. I went out in one of our tugs and soon brought her back. So you think this is Danny Rugg's cap, Bert?" "I'm sure of it, yes, sir.

Arthur for his life could not have said with confidence whether Pancks really thought so or not. 'When that was gone, sir, resumed Pancks, 'and it did go, though I dribbled it out like so much blood, I had taken Mr Rugg into the secret. He lent it at ten, and thought that pretty high. But Mr Rugg's a red-haired man, sir, and gets his hair cut. And as to the crown of his hat, it's high.

Mr Rugg's enjoyment of embarrassed affairs was like a housekeeper's enjoyment in pickling and preserving, or a washerwoman's enjoyment of a heavy wash, or a dustman's enjoyment of an overflowing dust-bin, or any other professional enjoyment of a mess in the way of business.

"Bert, you will wait for me in my office," he added. Poor Bert looked all around. He met many glances that were kind, and others, from Danny Rugg's friends, that were not. Nan waved her hand at her brother as she passed him, and Bert smiled at her. He made up his mind to be brave. Bert went to the principal's office, and sat in a chair.

She was walking along behind her brother, with Grace and Nellie. "Sure, we'll let you girls ride once in a while," said Charley, as he caught up to his chum. "But you can't steer." "I steered a bob once," said Grace, who was quite athletic for her age. "It was Danny Rugg's, too." "Pooh! His is a little one alongside the one Charley and I are going to make!" exclaimed Bert.

It would affect my daughter greatly, sir, if she heard it. As I perceive the mutton, I am glad she didn't hear it. Mr Pancks, on this occasion, pray face me. My dear, face Mr Chivery. But for a grave waggishness in Mr Rugg's manner of delivering this introduction to the feast, it might have appeared that Miss Dorrit was expected to be one of the company.