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Let the Passive Obedience, which is so often in your mouth, and no doubt in your head, put your feet for once into motion, and step aside for ten minutes. Within that space your assistance may be needed, either as body-curer or soul-curer." "Nay, then," said Dr. Rochecliffe, "I have but one argument left."

But here we are at the Lodge. Go to thy chamber, wench, and compose thyself. I must seek out Doctor Rochecliffe; he is ever talking of his quick and ready invention. Here come times, I think, that will demand it all."

Rochecliffe as still a zealous member of the Church of England, though serving under the enemy's colours, as a spy in their camp; and as he had on several times given him true and valuable intelligence, this active intriguer was the more easily induced to believe his professions.

"Doctor Rochecliffe," said Alice, "you propose what is impossible. You can do much by your ready wit and great wisdom; but if new-fallen snow were once sullied, not all your art could wash it clean again; and it is altogether the same with a maiden's reputation."

Do you come only as a ghostly comforter or as a surgeon, perhaps or do you ever take bilboa in hand? Sa sa!" Here he made a fencing demonstration with his sheathed rapier. "I have done so, sir, on necessary occasion," said Dr. Rochecliffe. "Good sir, let this stand for a necessary one," said Wildrake. "You know my devotion for the Church.

Here have we been nigh two hours in doing what Diggon the sexton would have done to better purpose in half a one." "We are wretched spadesmen enough," answered Dr. Rochecliffe. "Every man to his tools thou to thy bugle-horn, and I to my papers in cipher. But do not be discouraged; it is the frost on the ground, and the number of roots, which rendered our task difficult.

"Thou art indeed warm and alive," he said, "and yet after so many blows, and a fall so tremendous thou canst not be my Joseph Albany." "I am Joseph Albany Rochecliffe," said the Doctor, "become so in virtue of my mother's little estate, which fines and confiscations have made an end of." "And is it so indeed?" said Holdenough, "and have I recovered mine old chum?"

So saying, he arose somewhat displeased, and walked towards the door. "You forget what you yourself told me, Doctor Rochecliffe," said Alice, "of the risk of communicating this great secret to my father." "It is too true," he said, stopping short and turning round; "and I think, wench, thou art too smart for me, and I have not met many such.

During the Usurpation, Doctor Rochecliffe was constantly engaged in one or other of the premature attempts at a restoration of monarchy; and was accounted, for his audacity, presence of mind, and depth of judgment, one of the greatest undertakers for the King in that busy time; with this trifling drawback, that the plots in which he busied himself were almost constantly detected.

The poor young lady, whose adventitious spirit had almost deserted her, attempted to repeat the word farewell, but failing in the attempt, only accomplished a broken and imperfect sound, and would have sunk to the ground, but for Dr. Rochecliffe, who caught her as she fell.