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Updated: August 18, 2024

The snow had broken the tent down, so we made it over the ridge to an old tunnel . . . I killed a porcupine but we ran out of matches and there was no dry wood or sticks to make a fire." "I et raw wolf onct in Alasky," Yankee Sam interjected reminiscently. "'Tain't a dish you'd call for in a restauraw, and I reckon procupine's got much the same flavor of damp dog.

I shore never sees a woman change more than Jennie since the days when she cooks for me in this yere very restauraw an' lays plans an' plots to lure Dave into wedlock. I will say that Jennie, nacheral, is a good wife; but the fashion, wherein she tromples on Dave an' his rights is a disgrace to her sex, an' I'm goin' to deevote a hour this mornin' to callin' Jennie's attention tharunto.

"'We waits on you, Marm, says Enright, when ten minutes later Boggs, Cherokee, Texas Thompson an' he is in the kitchen of the O. K. Restauraw where Missis Rucker is slicin' salt hoss an' layin' the fragrant foundations of supper; 'we waits on you-all to ask your advice.

"Once I knows Peets to pass on the failin' condition of a tenderfoot who's bunked in an' allows he'll die a lot over to the O. K. Restauraw. Peets decides this yere shorthorn needs abstinence from licker. Peets breaks the news to the onhappy victim, an' puts him on water till the crisis shall be past.

"'I assooms it's the will of all to pull off a proper Thanksgivin' caper, says Enright, 'an' tharfore I su'gests that Doc Peets and Boggs waits on Missis Rucker at the O. K. restauraw an' learns what for a banquet she can rustle an' go the limit. Pendin' the return of Peets an' Boggs I allows the balance of this devoted band better imbibe some. Barkeep, sort out some bottles.

Benson Annie seizes him, purifies him, an' makes him white as snow. "An' thar's Missis Rucker; as troo a lady as ever bakes a biscuit! Even with the burdens of the O.K. Restauraw upon her she still finds energy to improve old Rucker to that extent he ups an' rides off towards the hills one mornin' an' never does come back no more.

"Which Abby now issues forth of the O.K. Restauraw an' j'ines the pinfeather party when he emerges from the Red Light. "'This sky pilot, says Dan Boggs, approachin' the happy couple, 'sends word by me that he's over in the New York store.

Kate rose to clear away and wash the dishes, but Bowers motioned her to remain seated. "You rest yourself, Ma'am. I was a pearl diver in a restauraw fer three months onct so I am, you might say, a professional." "Uncle Joe and I take turns," Kate laughed, "for neither of us likes it."

Thar's the post-office for our letters; thar's the Red Light for our bug-juice; thar's the O. K. Restauraw for our grub; an' thar's the stage an' our ponies to pull our freight with when Wolfville life begins to pull on us as too pastoral, an' we thirsts for the meetropolitan gayety of Tucson. "As I says we alls has all that heart can hunger for; that is hunger on the squar'.

"Tharupon Bloojacket wheels on the half-breed who runs the deadfall an' who's standin' still an' scared, an' says: "'How much does he owe? Then he pays Hardrobe's charges for antelope steaks an' what chuck goes with it, an' at the close of these fiscal op'rations, remarks to the half-breed who ain't sayin' no more'n he can he'p, 'Don't touch belt nor buckle on him; you-all knows me! An' I can see that half-breed restauraw party is out to obey Bloojacket's mandates.

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