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As the two vessels were under sail, it looked as though it would be some time before the channel was clear; and the "Big Four" hastened to their staterooms for their repeating-rifles. Their appearance thus armed created a sensation on the upper deck, and all the party secured positions where they could see the sport. Mrs.

"The steam-yacht must have been very delightful on the rivers and lakes; but the crocodiles, the snakes, and the savage orang-outangs would not have been pleasant to us." "But with eleven Winchester repeating-rifles ready for use, you would have had nothing to fear." Captain Ringgold rose from the table; and this terminated the conversation, and the party went on deck.

Of course, fire-arms were the first thing I looked for, and there they were, sure enough, in their racks, dozens of 'em double-barrelled guns, and repeating-rifles, and long pistols, and shiny plated revolvers.

Said Bough, speaking with the thickish lisp and slurring of the consonants that distinguished his utterance when he sought to appear more simple and candid than usual: "This dead toff, with his flash waggon and fine team, and Winchester repeating-rifles, had very little money.

Of course, fire-arms were the first thing I looked for, and there they were, sure enough, in their racks, dozens of 'em double-barrelled guns, and repeating-rifles, and long pistols, and shiny plated revolvers.

He lived in the woods, as most bears do; but he had a reputation which extended over all Norway and more than half of England. Earls and baronets came every summer, with repeating-rifles of the latest patent, and plaids and field-glasses and portable cooking-stoves, intent upon killing him. But Mr.

The visit of her boat to the little steamer followed, and the marshalling of the five members of the ship's company armed with the repeating-rifles. The interview with Mazagan was as minutely stated as though a skilled reporter of a newspaper had taken it down.

Infantry soldiers, with muskets, varying from flint-locks to repeating-rifles, were drawn up in a line on each side to keep the road clear. There were others walking along with long, flat paddles, and some with round heavy sticks, on the look-out for those who dared to attempt to cross the road.

"If you get close to them a shotgun will do as well as anything, and we can't waste a shell on every bird or rabbit. Those shells of yours are precious. You other fellows will have to turn fishermen for a while. Your pistols are no good for hunting." "The watchmen at the bank have riot guns," said Van Deventer, "and there are one or two repeating-rifles there. I don't know about ammunition."

"This will let up afore night," said Hank, much to the delight of his young visitors, "and to-morrow will be clear." "I hope it will last several days," ventured Fred. "So it will," remarked the cowman, with that air of assurance which showed he was more reliable than the Government in his forecasts of the weather. Hazletine examined the Winchester repeating-rifles of the boys with great care.