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She was in a measure neglecting the smoking viands under her supervision, and her long established reputation as cook was in jeopardy. At this critical juncture she blundered out, "Mrs. Sherman, it's a pity; indeed, it is, that he, that Edward, is bent on going." "Why, Recta," interrupted a musical voice reproachfully, "ma is already convinced that it is a pity Edward is going.

"I'd like to sarve 'em as the heathen do their idols when they git converted to Christianity." "Be you a Christian, Recta." Recta looked down confusedly, twirled her thumbs, and finally answered in a constrained tone, "I belong to the church." "Du ye? well, may be I'll jine it tu.

"I am requested to give my testimony which is this: The house was in apple-pie order. Not a fly had the temerity to approach the parlor. Miss Fanny had learned to knit, and had constructed a pair of stockings. Mrs. Recta says if she lives she will make a good housekeeper. I shall marry her when she is old enough.

Edward," said Recta, in a whining tone. "It's seasoned with old Spot's cream, and I'm thinking it will be a long time before you'll taste any more tame milk, out there among them wild cattle."

Less strongly expressed, the same view is also found in the exordium of another and more mature treatise on rhetoric, by an author whose name is unknown, written a year or two before that of Cicero: "Non enim parum in se fructus habet copia dicendi et commoditas orationis, si recta intelligentia et definita animi moderatione gubernetur."

When M. met Guizot in London after 1848, he was struck by the motto G. had adopted via recta brevissima. Lord Clanwilliam said that the shortest way was also the best. 'Yes, added Metternich, 'and it has also the advantage that on that path you don't meet anybody' 'auf diesen Weg wird niemand begegnet.

"That's the way with men," said Mrs. Lander. "They always think the's time enough; but I like to have things over and done with. What chuhch do you 'tend?" "Well, there isn't any but the Episcopal," Clementina answered. "I go to that, and some of the children go to the Sunday School. I don't believe fatha ca'es very much for going to chuhch, but he likes Mr. Richling; he's the recta.

"'Tween you and me, don't you know me, Recta?" "Well, I reckon I do, Philip," said Recta instinctively covered her face with her apron. A smile of delight broke over Daddy's features, and his first disappointment was forgotten.

He tried to speak, but a spasm of pain checked him, and Recta bent low to catch the words. He pointed upwards, threw his arms around her neck, and was gone. "We buried him at the left of your parents beside mammy, and when I left a mantle of soft, white snow was flung over all. "I brought Fanny home with me, and Recta is living with Dr. Goodrich's family.

Then he rose wearily to his feet, and slowly, as though his movements were controlled by a consciousness of great majesty, he clasped his hands and rested his chin upon them. He concentrated his thoughts on the prayer from the Imitation: "Domine, dummodo voluntas mea recta et firma ad te permaneat, fac de me quid-quid tibi placuerit."