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"I'm a stupid clodhopper. Of course you may. By the way, Miss Sumner, does your uncle own a car?" "I believe he does a little old rattletrap which he drives himself." "Then I'll send George over with the Napier this afternoon. You might care to take a spin out into the surrounding country. By the way, Miss Sumner, you are to consider George and that car as your personal property.

And it rewarded them. It must reward them, or their children would not be able to go to school, nor would so many of them be able to drive by in rattletrap, second-hand buggies or in stout light wagons. "Look at their faces," Saxon said. "They are happy and contented. They haven't faces like the people in our neighborhood after the strikes began." "Oh, sure, they got a good thing," Billy agreed.

Let me enjoy my dinner and this visit." "I can't help it," Mrs. P. retorted with asperity. She pointed to Shirley Sumner's car parked under the porte-cochere. "If I had a sedan like that, I could die happy. And it only cost thirty-two hundred and fifty dollars." "I paid six hundred and fifty for the rattletrap, and I couldn't afford that," he almost whimpered.

"Your Uncle Daniel knows Mr. Lincoln. He'll have that arranged." Just then the rattletrap pulled up at the sidewalk, the wheels of the near side in four inches of mud, and the Captain leaped out and spread the umbrella.

I dwelt upon the benefits to the city, uniform service, electricity and large comfortable cars instead of rattletrap conveyances, and the development of a large and growing population in the Riverside neighbourhood: the continual extension of lines to suburban districts that enabled hard-worked men to live out of the smoke: I called attention to the system of transfers, the distance a passenger might be conveyed, and conveyed quickly, for the sum of five cents.

There was an old rattletrap ruin where the bungalow now stands. I put up with it, but I immediately pulled down the cow barn, the pigsties, the chicken houses, everything made a clean sweep. They shook their heads and groaned when they saw such wanton waste by a widow struggling to make a living. But worse was to come.