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Updated: August 25, 2024

"What ails thee?" asked the Knight, regarding him with a quick, keen glance. "Quecheco hurt his foot," answered the Indian, with a limp, and bending down to hide his face from the sharp eyes. "Poor fellow, then, remain behind, and we will hunt for thee, who hast done so often for us." "Quah!" exclaimed the Indian, with a gesture of disdain, "It is nothing.

They then proceeded to the rock which had been their place of refuge when the herd of elephants had charged upon them; and as they stood under it, they were suddenly saluted with a loud noise over their heads, sounding like quah, quah! As soon as Begum heard it, she ran up to the Major with every sign of trepidation, holding fast to his skin trousers.

When a certain Famous Hunter, whose heart took pride in horns and heads and hides the trophies won by his unerring rifle in all four corners of earth found his way at last to the tumbled wilderness that lies about the headwaters of the Quah Davic, it was naturally one of the great New Brunswick moose that he was after.

What has the boy whom Huttamoiden's arm saved from the flames, done, that blackness should gather over the face of Ohquamehud?" "Quah! Does Peéna ask? She is more foolish than the bird, from which she takes her name, when it flies into a tree. Is he not the son of Onontio?" "Peéna never saw Onontio. She has only heard of him as one, who like the red men, loves scalps.

They then proceeded to the rock which had been their place of refuge when the herd of elephants had charged upon them; and as they stood under it, they were suddenly saluted with a loud noise over their heads, sounding like quah, quah! As soon as Begum heard it, she ran up to the Major with every sign of trepidation, holding fast to his skin trowsers.

The dreamy quah, quah of the quail was no longer a mockery of love; their eggs would not be broken in the nest but the mothers would lead forth their little ones; even the ground-doves and the poor-wills, nesting in last year's sheep tracks, would escape the myriad feet and all because a crazy man, hiding among the cliffs, had shot down Jasper Swope.

As soon as they reached within fifty paces, quite out of breath with their haste, they were saluted with the quah, quah, of a herd of baboons, which were perched at the edge of the rocks, and which threatened them in their usual way, standing on their fore-legs, and making as if they would fly at them. "Now, then, what is to be done?" said the Major. "Shall we fire?

As soon as they reached within fifty paces, quite out of breath with their haste, they were saluted with the quah, quah, of a herd of baboons, which were perched at the edge of the rocks, and which threatened them in their usual way, standing on their fore-legs, and making as if they would fly at them. "Now, then, what is to be done?" said the Major. "Shall we fire?

"What does a child like Quadaquina, mean by wandering so far in the dark away from its mother?" demanded Ohquamehud. "Quadaquina is no longer a child," answered the boy, "to need his mother. He runs about, like a squirrel, in the woods, whenever he please." "Quah! He is more like a bird, and it is to take lessons from the whipperwill, that he comes into the woods."

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