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For a while I said nothing, but appeared preoccupied; so that at last my Lord clapped me on the knee and asked me if I ailed which was what I wished him to do. "My Lord," said I, with an appearance of great openness, "I have a confession to make." "Well?" said he. "What is it?" "I am disappointed," I said. "There is a deal of talk; and most interesting talk; and all very loyal and respectful.

I have a very distinct impression of Beatrice dancing about us during the affair in a state of unladylike appreciation, but I was too preoccupied to hear much of what she was saying. But she certainly backed us both, and I am inclined to think now it may be the disillusionment of my ripened years whichever she thought was winning.

"Well then, stick to your surgery, if that's your subject, and l-l-leave me to th-theology that's mine. I d-d-don't interfere with your treatment of broken bones, though I know a p-p-precious lot more about them than you do." He sat down to his volume of sermons with an intent and preoccupied face. One of the librarians came up to him. "Signor Rivarez!

This last statement rests on the evidence of Mathieu Dumas, who heard it through General Desaix, a close friend of Bonaparte; and it is clear from the narratives of Bourrienne, Barras, and Madame Junot that, during his last days in Paris, the general was moody, preoccupied, and fearful of being poisoned. At last the time of preparation and suspense was at an end.

They are endowed with a pliableness and versatility of mind, that with a little attention and management may easily be turned to any pursuit. Their understandings not yet preoccupied, they have a singular facility of apprehending, and strength of retention. It is certain this pliableness and facility are very liable to abuse.

Even in terrible wounds and cases of extreme pain, medicine can now alleviate the worst, nor, in any case, do I believe that the expectation of physical agony, however severe, has much share in the instinct that stands aghast at death. If fear of pain thus preoccupied the soul, martyrs would not have sown the Church, nor would births continue.

The two sisters, preoccupied by their father's illness and death, had up to this time but a vague knowledge of the difficulties which surrounded the Perpetual Curate. His trial, which Mr Proctor had reported to his newly-betrothed, had been unsuspected by either of them; and they were not even aware of the event which had given rise to it the disappearance of Rosa Elsworthy.

She had not posed for Drene during the last two weeks, and he had begun to miss her, after his own fashion that is, he thought of her when not preoccupied and sometimes desired her companionship when unoccupied.

Under its glimmering splendour, and through it, she stared seaward out of wide, preoccupied eyes; and in her breast, stirring uneasily, a pulse, intermittent yet dully importunate, persisted. The canoe, drifting toward the surf, was close in, now.