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You used to cook faw him in camp di'n' you? How much good sense he got, tubbe sho'!" A mixture of roguishness spoiled the pretence of wonder. "Good sense? Law'! 'twant good sense in Gyarnit nuther. It was jess my pow' ove' him! my stra-ange, masmaric poweh! You know, the arrangements is jess this! Gyarnit got th'ee hund'ed sheers, I got fawty; yit I the poweh behime the th'one.

"Teck it off, seh; I ain't aansw'ed you yit." The arm fell away, but his whispering lips came close. "Ain't I yo' Saampson, dearess o' the dear? Ain't you the Delijah o' my haht? Answeh me, my julepina, an' O, I'll reply you the secret o' my poweh aw any otheh question in the wide, wide worl'!" "Mr.

They knew their ill-concealed amusement would betray them, and now they were to be called to account. But no. "Yesseh," continued Narcisse, "you 'ave the gweatez o'casion to be the subjec' of congwatulation, Mistoo Itchlin, to 'ave the poweh to accum'late money in those hawd time' like the pwesen'!" The Richlings cried out with relief and amused surprise.

But when he did speak he didn't quit being ceremonious nor dignified. "De wohd has gone fo'th among de faiful an' de puah in heaht," he says, "dat er man has come accredited wi' signs an' wi' mahvels an' de poweh o' de sperrit fo' to lay his han' on de sons o' Ham an' ter make 'em des de same in colluh as de yuther sons of ea'th." "Then that word is a lie," says the doctor.

I dropped an interrogative hint as to how March stood with Ravenel. The Captain smiled. "They neveh cla-ash. Ravenel's the same mystery he always was, but not the same poweh; his losin' Garnet the way he did, and then John bein' so totally diffe'nt, you know John don't ofm ask Jeff-Jack to do anything, but he neveh aasks in vaain. John's motheh? Yes, she still lives with him.

"Mr. Leggett, befo' I comes to dat finality, I owes it to myseff an' likewise to my pa'ents to git yo' respondence to, anyhow, one question, an' ef you de man o' poweh you say you is, y' ought to be highly fitt'n' to give de correc' reply." "Espoun' your question, miss! Espoun' yo' question!" "Well, seh, de question is dis: Why is de ? No, dat ain't it. Lemme see.

"My accident, seh. Mr. Leggett, hoccum you got all dat poweh?" "Ah!" said the smiling gallant, "you wants to know the secret o' my poweh, do you? Well, that interjuce the ezacly question I'm jess a-honin' to ass you. You ass me the secret o' my poweh. Don't you know thass the ve'y thing what Delijah ass Saampson?" "Yass, seh. I knows. Dass in de Bible, ain't it?" "It is.