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Updated: August 7, 2024

In response to this challenge, hundreds and hundreds of the Janissaries stepped out of their ranks, declaring that they were just the boys to satisfy Pelivan's demands. Pelivan selected from amongst them two-and-thirty of the most muscular and truculent, and commanded them to follow him into the Seraglio.

Patrona, like a furious tiger that has burst forth from its cage, at these words rushed from out the ranks of his comrades. His sword flashed in his hand, and if Pelivan had been doubly as big as he was, his mere size could not have saved him.

Pelivan roared aloud at the blow, and, shaking his bloody forehead, rushed upon Patrona like a wounded bear, and disregarding a couple of fresh blows on the arms and shoulders which had the effect, however, of making him drop his yataghan, he grasped his adversary with his gigantic hands, lifted him up, and then hugged him with the embrace of a boa-constrictor.

"Look ye, my friends!" cried Musli, turning to his comrades, "that man is drunk, dead drunk. He can scarce stand upon his feet. How dare you say," continued he, turning towards Pelivan "how dare you say that two Janissaries, two of the flowers from Begta's garden, are to follow you when the banners of warfare are already waving before us?"

In all probability the Janissary, when he picked himself up again, had dipped his finger in his own blood, and then scrawled the names upon the wall in order to perpetuate the memory of the incident. He had also taken good care to put Halil Pelivan uppermost and Halil Patrona undermost.

Mahmud hid his face so as not to see what was about to happen. "Halil! we are betrayed!" exclaimed Musli, and placing himself in front of his comrade he received on his own body the first blow which Pelivan had aimed at Halil. "In vain hast thou written thy name above mine, Patrona," roared the giant, waving his huge broadsword above his head.

He began to perceive, however, that he would have to keep the money after all, and the very thought of it kept him awake all night long. Next day he again strolled about the bazaars, and then directed his steps once more towards that house where he had chalked up his name the day before. And lo! the name of Pelivan was again stuck at the top of his own.

Allah had been with him he was now raised to the rank of a ciaus-officer. The giant stood among the Janissaries and inquired in a voice of thunder: "Which of you common Janissary fellows goes by the name of Halil Patrona?" Patrona stepped forth. "Methinks, Halil Pelivan," said he, "it does not require much brain-splitting on your part to recognise me." "Where is your comrade Musli?"

They chopped off his head and he offered not the slightest resistance. As for Pelivan and Kabakulak they were banished for their cowardice. So Achmed Küprilizade became Grand Vizier. As for Achmed III. he lived nine years longer in the Seven Towers, and tradition says he died by poison. Mouse.

They advanced to the steps of the Sultan's throne, knelt down there, and kissed the hem of the Sultan's garment. Mahmud was sitting on his throne, the same instant Kabakulak clapped his hands and cried: "Bring in their kaftans!" At these words out of the adjoining apartment rushed Pelivan and the thirty-two Janissaries with drawn swords.

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