Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 27, 2024

But cast upon her own resources, her own blank inexperience, at her first entrance into the world, with nothing to stand between her and what is openly vapid and covertly vicious, with no clear eye to detect for her the false and distinguish the true, no strong, firm, judicious hand to guide tenderly and undeviatingly, to repress without irritating and encourage without emboldening, what wonder that the peach-bloom loses its delicacy, deepening into rouge or hardening into brass, and the happy young life is stranded on a cruel shore?

Into this atmosphere so surcharged that it had almost the singing quality of a current through it entered Miss Bleema Pelz, on slim silver heels that twinkled, the same diaphanous tulle of the photograph enveloping her like summer, her hair richer, but blending with the peach-bloom of her frock, the odor of youth her perfume. "Bleema darling, you're just in time!"

Any one of the fashionable houses to which ladies habitually resort without male protection, for a noonday lunch when shopping, may serve as a type of all the rest; and not one of them but may be passed with a shudder, by husbands who wish their wives to remain like Cesar's, not only chaste but above suspicion, and by fathers who do not desire the peach-bloom too early rubbed off from the innocence of their fair daughters.

I 'ain't seen 'em since you brought 'em all in to see the Labor Day parade from the store windows last fall. Them's fine boys you got there, Arnheim!" "Thanks," said Arnheim. "Now, Arnheim, I'm here to ask you if you can beat these. Look at that there peach-bloom Piquette look! Can you beat it? That there's the new butterfly skirt just one year ahead of anything that's being shown this season."

Coral growing upon coral, and in the pools at the edge of the surf branching corals also of the colour of a peach-bloom. Within a hundred yards of where Emmeline was sitting, the pools contained corals of all colours, from lake-red to pure white, and the lagoon behind her corals of the quaintest and strangest forms.

There are the blue eyes, sunny hair, peach-bloom complexions of the north; there are the dark-eyed, black-haired, heavy-browed women of the Black Forest; there is often a Quakerish elegance of figure and apparel to be seen on the streets of the cities, and from time to time one sees a real Germania, big of frame, bold of brow, fearless of glance patet dea!

And pretty Mary Donnelly oh, how pretty! with the dimples and the peach-bloom on her face, her white teeth and coal-black hair ever pretty whether she was smiling at you or peeling potatoes.

The beautiful lavender color of the flax-fields interspersed with the peach-bloom of broad, level acres of buckwheat, produces a pleasant and thrifty aspect. These fields are alternated by miles of intensely green oats, rye, and other cereals. No finer display of growing grain is to be found, except in Western America.

But slowly the peach-bloom of his cheeks faded and his long, tapering fingers played nervously with the leather-trimming of the piano-stool. "Anything I can do for you, Stafford?" he added, with attempted nonchalance. "There is nothing you can do for me," was the meaning reply, "but there is something you can do advantageously for yourself, if you will think it worth while."

He could hear the cocks crowing in Surrey, and the lowing of the kine. There was a robin singing in a bush under the window, and there was some one in the garden with a pair of pruning-shears. Snip-snip! snip-snip! he heard them going. The light in the east was pink as a peach-bloom and too intense to bear.

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