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The fat little papooses crawled timidly near to inspect the mysterious strangers and scrambled away squealing with delicious terror. The hours passed and the verdict was delayed. Two young braves stole away into the pine woodland on some errand, at the behest of the chief. It was after noon when they returned.

Margery, exquisite in her dainty gown, her wonderful black eyes gleaming with fun, as a sample of Lake City dishonesty appealed to the sense of humor of her audience and they all laughed, though Lydia felt her throat tighten strangely as she did so, Margery, made exquisite on the money of blind squaws and papooses that froze to death!

Near this living town was the town of the dead, a hamlet of scaffolds, where, wrapped in skins, above the reach of wolves, Illinois Indians of a past generation slept their winters and summers away. Crows flapped across them and settled on the corn, causing much ado among the papooses who were set to shout and rattle sticks for the protection of the crop.

There seemed to be one hut on shore, with the spark of a light in it a cannery of course. Canoes were drifting to and fro like motes in the darkness, tipped with a phosphorescent rim. Indian voices hailed us out of the ominous silence; Indian dogs muttered under their breath, yelping in a whisper which was mocked by Indian papooses, who can bark before they have learned to walk or talk.

Here, as previously stated, were assembled at times a numerous fleet of canoes and hundreds of natives from all parts of the island, with their klootchmen, papooses and dogs. The latter gave us a series of concerts which will never be forgotten. Their number may be inferred from my having seen eleven dogs disembark from a medium-sized canoe, following one Indian, who alone arrived with it.

The land has sunk since then, and there is something more beautiful than Indian wigwams there now. Where the old squaws used to sit weaving baskets, and the papooses rolled and played, is now thick, black mud, in which are great tangled roots, some of them bigger than my arm. All winter they lie there under the ice, while the children skate over them.

"You speak true words, Timmendiquas," said Henry. "The Wyandots have remained in the East to fight men, not to kill squaws and papooses," continued Timmendiquas. "So I say to you, go on with those who flee across the mountains. Our warriors shall not pursue you any longer. We will turn back to the valley from which we come, and those of your race, Blackstaffe and Wyatt, shall go with us."

Some squaws, with papooses strapped upon their backs, stared vacantly at us as we passed, and one little barefooted Indian, with a lack of apparel which showed his finely moulded form to the best advantage, ran by the side of the coach for two or three miles, bribed by coppers which were occasionally thrown to him.

And I can't bear the idea of leaving even the horses and cattle, and the grain fields. I don't know whatever the little papooses at the Mission will do without me. I wonder if all the people who do their duty feel like that about things? They can't really, or they wouldn't want to do it, and would just be natural and and human sometimes.

Is it the bear that your papooses tamed?" exclaimed Faith, remembering the story told her on the way. Kashaqua nodded, at the same time muttering words of reproach to the bear. "He like bad Indian, steal from friends," she explained to Faith. "His name Nooski," she added. Nooski was quite ready to make friends with Faith, but she was not yet sure of his good-nature.