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This is also notably true in the case of nitrates and chlorates of the alkalies, and of ferric compounds; and, since in this analysis ammonium nitrate has resulted from the neutralization of the excess of the nitric acid added to oxidize the iron, it is essential that this should be destroyed by repeated evaporation with a relatively large quantity of hydrochloric acid.

But part of the waste can be got rid of only by burning, and what we call burning is another name for combining with oxygen, or to use one word oxidation; and this is precisely the purpose of the carrying of oxygen by the little red blood cells from the lungs to the deeper parts of the body to burn up, or oxidize, these waste materials which would otherwise poison our cells.

Add 10 cc. of dilute sulphuric acid and titrate to a faint pink with the permanganate solution, adding it directly to the contents of the vacuum flask. Should the end-point be overstepped, the ferrous sulphate solution may be added. From the volume of the solution required to oxidize the iron in the wire, calculate the relation to the normal of the permanganate solution.

Rinse the electrodes cautiously with alcohol and heat them in a hot closet until the alcohol has just evaporated, but no longer, since the copper is likely to oxidize at the higher temperature. Test the solution in the beaker for copper as follows, remembering that it is to be used for subsequent determinations of iron and zinc: Remove about 5 cc. and add a slight excess of ammonia.

Post-Mortem Appearances. Softening of the stomach, hæmorrhagic spots on all organs and under the skin, fatty degeneration of liver, kidneys, and heart, blood-stained urine, phosphorescent contents of alimentary canal. Treatment. Early use of stomach-pump and emetics, followed by the administration of permanganate of potassium or peroxide of hydrogen to oxidize the phosphorus.

In order that this may take place, it is believed that there must be a concurrence of four separate conditions: 1st. The wood must contain the elements or germs of fermentation when exposed to air and water. 2d. There must be water or moisture to promote the fermentation. 3d. There must be air present to oxidize the resulting products. 4th.

KMnO = 0.2004 gram Na C O . Calculate the percentage of sulphide sulphur in the sample. !Answer!: 0.050%. What weight of pyrolusite containing 89.21% MnO will oxidize the same amount of oxalic acid as 37.12 cc. of a permanganate solution, of which 1 cc. will liberate 0.0175 gram of I from KI? !Answer!: 0.2493 gram.

But to distinguish smaller subdivisions it has been found necessary to fall back upon other characters, such as the shape of the colony produced in solid gelatine, the power to produce disease, or to oxidize nitrites, etc. Thus at present the different species are distinguished rather by their physiological than their morphological characters.

He couldn't survive in the Arctic, but he's obviously the ideal form of life for the tropics." As the two men found out later, Morey was wrong on that last point. The men of Torlos' race had a small organ, a mass of cells in the lower abdomen which could absorb food from the bloodstream and oxidize it, yielding heat, whenever the temperature of the blood dropped below a certain point.

Under atmospheric influences the iron would rapidly oxidize and rust away, coloring the adjacent soil with red oxide of iron. The meteoric diamonds would be unaffected and left on the surface to be found by explorers when oxidation had removed the last proof of their celestial origin.