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Human protoplasm, like all other living materials, must replenish itself, and respire and oxidize in obedience to biological laws that have been found to be uniform everywhere. Thus the human organism is no more unique in fundamental organic respects than it is apart from the world of physical processes and laws.

In the first place they do not completely oxidize and therefore do not supply so much energy; and, in the second place, they form waste products that are removed with difficulty from the body. *Mineral Salts and their Uses.*—Mineral salts are found in small quantities in all of the more common food materials, and, as a rule, find their way into the body unnoticed.

The purpose now is to oxidize the carbon, too, without reducing the phosphorus and sulphur and causing them to return to the iron. We want the pure iron to begin crystallizing out of the bath like butter from the churning buttermilk. More and more of the carbon gas comes out of the puddle, and as it bubbles out the charge is agitated by its escape and the "boil" is in progress.

Depend upon it, the cities of the future will not allow people to turn sulphurous acid wholesale into the air, there to oxidize and become oil of vitriol. Even if it entails a slight strain upon the purse they will, I hope, be wise enough to prefer it to the more serious strain upon their lungs.

It is, however, often considered safer to pass the water through still another filter bed, consisting of layers of charcoal, which has the power of gathering oxygen in its pores, to attack and oxidize, or burn up, the remaining impurities in the water.

The active metals of the electrodes which will oxidize and reduce in this electrolyte without dissolution or chemical deterioration are nickel and iron. These active elements are not put in the plates AS METALS; but one, nickel, in the form of a hydrate, and the other, iron, as an oxide.

From the corrected volume of the iodine solution used to oxidize the arsenious oxide, calculate its relation to the normal. From the ratio between the solutions, calculate the similar value for the thiosulphate solution.

He reports as follows: "The reduction of organic matter in solution is the crucial test of the value of a purifying agent, for unless the organic matter is reduced, the effluent will putrefy and rapidly become offensive. "I have not observed in any of the unfiltered effluents from this process which I have examined any signs of putrefaction, but, on the contrary, a tendency to oxidize.

Dust flying about the room is injurious, if allowed to fall on the plate, either before or after it has been coated, as it causes black spots which cannot be removed. The polished plate should not be allowed to come in contact with a strong current of air, for it tends to oxidize the surface. Breathing on the surface should also be avoided, for the same reason.

And if I make arrangements so as to oxidize the carbon of sugar, we shall have a much more striking result Here is sugar, and I have here an oxidizer a quicker one than the atmosphere; and so we shall oxidize this fuel by a process different from respiration in its form, though not different in its kind.