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Nor were they burdened with over-much of that high sense of honor a quality of which they often vaunted themselves which impelled others to stand by their agreements. It seemed as though they considered the most sacred promises and covenants of no account, and made only to be trampled upon, when in the way of their Moloch.

But he didn't let it trouble him over-much, for he was always very philosophical about pain. Once, when he had a toothache, somebody expressed surprise that he bore it with such stoicism, and asked him jokingly for the secret. "Oh," he replied, "I just fix my attention on my great toe, or any other part of my body, and think how nice it is that I haven't got a toothache there."

"How did you accomplish it?" she inquired. "I had a little difficulty," he said, "yet not over-much." His eye roved to Gonzaga, and he smiled. "Messer Gonzaga is too gentle with them. Too true a courtier to avail himself of the brutality that is necessary when we deal with brutes.

There seems to be a tendency inherent in it to become querulous, to make its pleading sound specious because of over-much speech. These are curious little things which have been not without influence in other regions of the world.

People said that, altogether, more than a hundred thousand francs had been expended, but this was not thought over-much, as a well-known French countess had been obliged to disburse nearly ten times that amount to secure the dissolution of her marriage. But then the Holy Father's need was so great!

To my sister he is all beneficence; and if he has a fault it is over-much indulgence of her whims and extravagances though Hyacinth, poor soul, thinks him a tyrant because he forbids her some places of amusement to which other women of quality resort freely.

Consequently for those weeks she found plenty to think about without troubling herself over-much as to Morris and his experiments.

And mind you don't set me off talking over-much downstairs. I talk in her presence like the usher of the Court to the judge. 'Tis the secret of my happiness. 'Where are those rascally dress-boots of mine? cried Patrick. Captain Con pitched the contents of the portmanteau right and left. 'Never mind the boots, my boy.

But the long and the short of the matter is, that men must stick to a thing if they want to succeed in it not giving way to over-much admiration for the flowers they see growing in other people's borders; which I am afraid has been my case. He looked into the far distance and paused.

The jealousy of his royal master was aroused, and he had to pay the penalty of over-much success with his life. Parthia was thus left without a general of approved merit, for Sillaces, the second in command during the war with Crassus, had in no way distinguished himself through the campaign.