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Dave would hook and kick and perform every other mean trick. Besides, he would stick his tongue out from the smallest kind of exertion. He had just been shipped in off the Montana cattle range and had never had a rope on him, unless it was when he was branded. Like a great over-grown booby of a boy, he was flabby in flesh, and he could not endure any sort of exertion without discomfort.

Fran. I say, Peace thou over-grown Turk. Guz. Thou Spanish Cur. Fran. Why, you're a Mahometan Bitch, and you go to that. Guz. Death, I'll dissect the bald-pated Slave. Fran. I defy thee, thou foul filthy Cabbage-head, for I am mad, and will be valiant. Car. What Insolence is this! Mutes strangle him. Jul. Mercy, dread Sir, I beg my Husband's life. Car.

As usual, there were a great number of Cuckoos in the Vale whilst I was there this summer ; but I was unfortunate in not finding eggs, and in not seeing any of the foster-parents feeding their over-grown protégés: this was rather surprising, as there were so many Cuckoos about, and many must have been hatched and out of the nest long before we left at the end of July.

Fred and George have been off to college two years, big over-grown hulks they are, and young Peter is going to the Agricultural College in Guelph this winter, and the old man will hire a man to take care of the stock, and him with three boys of his own.

It is true that most of these channels were made in old times; little new is done now, and I could make a long list of estates that were once busy and prosperous, giving employment to thousands of the Indian inhabitants, and that are now over-grown with weeds and falling to ruin.

They were a long way from the keeper's cottage, and the old man, depressed by the difference between war and pre-war conditions, found it quite enough to potter round the stubbles and turnips of the home farm when game had to be shot. The paths leading through the underwood to the hut were now in these four years largely over-grown.

He seemed very much over-grown, and his general appearance suggested the idea that he must be in his own way a position of which he seemed painfully conscious. He had a most unpleasant habit of keeping his eyes constantly in motion.

Meadow-larks were singing in the grass, and once in an old hedgerow over-grown with sweet-smelling wild honeysuckle I saw a covey of young quails. These hedgerows of locust and cedar are broken now, but along the old road to the mill and Pohick Church and between fields the scattered trees and now and then a bordering ditch are evidences of the old owner's handiwork.

He could see her walking through the Gallery at Doctor Moreno's side: a blonde beauty, svelte, somewhat thin, over-grown, taller than her years, gazing with astonishment through those large green eyes of hers at the cold, bustling city, so different from the warm orchards of her childhood home; the father, bearded, wrinkled, nervous, still irritated at the ruin of his Republican hopes; a veritable ogre to strangers who did not know his lamb-like gentleness.

Of the wonderful clothes her mother laid out to put upon her the night of her departure, in place of aunt Corinne's over-grown things, and the show woman's tawdry additions. They wondered about her home and the colored people who waited on her, and if she would be quite well and cured of her stupor by the time she reached Baltimore.