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Thus this divine energy, which after Cannae uplifts Rome, riveting the sympathies of Polybius, outlives Rome itself, still controlling the imaginations of men, until its last flicker in the eighteenth century. Where in the history of England, in the life of England as a State, does this energy, exalted by the hour of tragic vision, manifest itself?

Belford, who most love, are least set by. But who would expect velvet to be made out of a sow's ear? I am sure he has no reason however to slight me as he does. He may and will be the better for me, if he outlives me; though he once told me to my face, that I might do as I would with my estate; for that he, for his part, loved his liberty as much as he despised money.

"If this young king were to die, the crown he wears with so good a grace would then fall to you," says the queen, coldly enough. "Heaven forbid that so fair a life were cut short! Do not speak so of what may not be for many a long year, as one may hope." "Then if he outlives you, he will make a bid for Mercia." "Nay, but he is loyal, and Ecgfrith will be his brother.

"Now, look here, Sylvia, here are you and I. We've got this secret betwixt us, and we've got to carry it betwixt us, and never let any living mortal see it as long as we both live; and the one that outlives the other has got to bear it alone, like a sacred trust." Sylvia nodded.

Sometimes, indeed, it happens that a philosopher's fame outlives even his works themselves; as has happened with Thales, Empedocles, Heraclitus, Democritus, Parmenides, Epicurus and many others. My remarks are, as I have said, confined to achievements that are not of any material use.

Law spreads itself over the whole surface and course of our lives, and insists imperatively that every part and particle of them be pure and holy. Again, this sense of obligation to be perfect as God is perfect, is exceedingly deep. It is the most profound sense of which man is possessed, for it outlives all others.

A spirit now, fed by no hope, warmed by no tenderness, clothed in no fond delusion; the vital soul of love which outlives the fairest, noblest form humanity can give it, and sits among the ruins singing the immortal hymn of consolation the Great Musician taught.

But the race of man, like that indomitable nature whence it sprang, has medicating virtues of its own; the years and seasons bring various harvests; the sun returns after the rain; and mankind outlives secular animosities, as a single man awakens from the passions of a day.

The stormy domination of tribunes is supplanted by that of the sword and the pen, for few loves are met with whose constancy outlives ten years. Therefore, since our calculations prove that an honest woman has merely paid strictly her physiological or diabolical dues by rendering but three men happy, it is probable that she has set foot in more than one region of love.

To Cynara the Fates accord but a few years; a wanton Lyce laughs, cheats her adorers, and outlives the crow. There is an unintended moral here " Demetrios said, "Yet you do not forget." "I know nothing as to this Perion you tell me of. I only know the Perion I loved has not forgotten," answered Melicent. And Demetrios, evincing a twinge like that of gout, demanded her reasons.