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The Huns may stand out a long while, but when the time comes they may collapse all at once like the deacon's 'one-hoss shay." The Americans in the meantime had thoroughly reorganized the captured positions and had held them against a number of strong counter-attacks.

It is the key-note of the tune. Everything is cow-y, slow and sure, firm, but not fast, kindly, sunny, ruminant, heavy, lumbering, basking, content. Calashes also we meet, a cumbrous, old-fashioned "one-hoss shay," with a yellow body, a suspicion of springlessness, wheels with huge spokes and broad rims, and the driver sitting on the dash-board. Now we are at the Falls of Montmorency.

"Have you heard of the wonderful one-hoss shay That was built in such a logical way It ran a hundred years to a day?" quoted Han. "Wouldn't that look funny alongside a Rolls-Royce, Perry?" "It would look funny alongside a flivver," answered the other. "Say, how far do we have to walk? Seems to me we've done about five miles already." "Rot! We haven't walked more than a mile.

Bright, of course, was received with immense enthusiasm. I had every reason to be gratified with my own reception. The only "chaffing" I heard was the question from one of the galleries, "Did he come in the One-Hoss Shay?" at which there was a hearty laugh, joined in as heartily by myself.

This year, 1938, while it is too early to do more than give an estimate, we hope that the national income will not fall below sixty billion dollars. We remember also that banking and business and farming are not falling apart like the one-hoss shay, as they did in the terrible winter of 1932-1933.

Sometimes, as in one of those poems recently published, the reader will easily guess which, the youthful spirit has come over me with such a rush that it made me feel just as I did when I wrote the history of the "One-hoss Shay" thirty years ago.

He fumbled it, corrected it, and then finally gripped it long enough to speak the words automatically to Doris and Doctor Martin. "That old fellow," Martin said, looking keenly after him, "is going to go all to pieces some day like the one-hoss shay. He looks about a hundred. I wonder how old he is?" Doris smiled. "I imagine," she said, "that he is not as old as he looks.

Socially and materially we were, compared with the present era of motors and parlor-cars, in the "one-hoss shay" and stove-heated railroad-coach stage.

"I wish we knew more," she said. "Who was on this ship with Mr. Thayer? And who sent the news of his death home?" "Oh, I can tell you that," said Asaph. "'Twas some one-hoss doctor out there, gold minin' himself, he was. John died of a quick fever. Got cold and went off in no time. Seth remembered that much, though he couldn't remember the doctor's name.

Under a soft panama hat a keen, shrewd face smiled so infectiously that the disgruntled seaman smiled back in spite of his grouch. "Well, what of it?" he demanded. "Might as well be a wooden Indian in this one-hoss town." The other advanced with extended hand. His eyes narrowed in appreciation of Barry's sturdy, powerful frame and clean-cut face. "Spotted you right off the bat, hey?