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For a moment he stood listening to their talk, and then, at the first pause, interposed without ceremony: "Tell me what is being done?" O'Neil, who had not seemed to note his approach, answered without a hint of surprise at the interruption: "We are dragging the city." "Of course. Have you arrested Larubio, the cobbler?" "No!" Both men turned to Blake now with concentrated attention.

Clanrickarde, in Preston's tent, was doing the work of stimulating the old antipathy of that general towards O'Neil, which led to conflicting advices in Council, and some irritating personal altercations. To add to the Confederate embarrassment, the winter was the most severe known for many years; from twenty to thirty sentinels being frozen at night at their posts.

O'Neil." "I'm sorry," he declared with such genuine kindliness that she was moved to confide in him. "Mother and I are ruined." "Will you tell me about it?" "It's merely those wretched coal claims. I have a friend in the Land Office at Washington, and, remembering what you said, I asked him to look them up. I knew no other way to go about it.

Trout appealed to the enemies to give the women of Illinois a square deal, especially to Lee O'Neil Browne, a powerful Democratic leader. He had always opposed suffrage legislation, but he finally consented to let the bill, so far as he was concerned, be voted up or down on its merits.

Once I kept Greenway and Goodrich at work for forty-eight hours, without sleeping, and with very little food, fighting and digging trenches. I freely sent the men for whom I cared most, to where death might smite them; and death often smote them as it did the two best officers in my regiment, Allyn Capron and Bucky O'Neil. My men would not have respected me had I acted otherwise.

She continued to scout his suggestion that she could help him by captivating O'Neil, and stoutly maintained that she had no attraction for men; nevertheless, when she went to her room she examined herself critically in her mirror. This done, she gave herself over to her favorite relaxation.

That is impossible, and I must be contented with an inferior actor. The play was accordingly sent to Mr. Harris. He pronounced the subject to be so objectionable that he could not even submit the part to Miss O'Neil for perusal, but expressed his desire that the author would write a tragedy on some other subject, which he would gladly accept.

No Irish family gave more trouble in its time to the English conquerors than did the O'Neils, and Shane O'Neil was in some of his qualities the most extraordinary man of the family.

The Nuncio, elated by the great victory of O'Neil, to which he felt he had personally contributed by his seasonable supplies, provoked and irritated by Ormond's intrigues and the King's insincerity, rushed with all the ardour of his character into making the war an uncompromising Catholic crusade.

"One million for me, one million for my associates." "What will the remaining hundred miles cost?" "About ten millions. That will give me another million profit as contractor. My force and equipment is on the ground. I can save you money and a year's time." Mr. Heidlemann drummed upon the top of his desk for a moment. "You're a high-priced man, O'Neil," he said, finally.