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Updated: August 17, 2024

When Adam laid out his first penny upon nonpareils at some stall in Mesopotamos, I think it went hard with him, reflecting upon his old goodly orchard, where he had so many for nothing. When I write to a great man at the court end, he opens with surprise upon a naked note, such as Whitechapel people interchange, with no sweet degrees of envelope.

When all the cream is converted into froth, pile it up in the bowl, making it highest in the middle. If you choose, you may ornament it with red and green nonpareils. If you put it in glasses, lay a little jelly in the bottom of each glass, and pile the cream on it. Keep it in a cool place till you want to use it. Six whites of eggs. Six large table-spoonfuls of jelly. A pint of cream.

Make the icing of the whites of eight eggs, a large tea-spoonful of powdered loaf sugar, and six drops of essence of lemon, beaten all together till it stands alone. Pile up some of the icing on the top of each custard, heaping it high. Put a spot of red nonpareils on the middle of the pile of icing.

Lastly, stir in the flour, as slowly and lightly, as possible. Butter a large tin mould or pan. Put the cake in and bake it in a very quick oven, an hour or more according to its thickness. The oven must on no account be hotter at the top, than at the bottom. When done, set it on a sieve to cool. Ice it, and ornament it with nonpareils.

Make an icing with the whites of three eggs, twenty-four tea-spoonfuls of loaf-sugar, and eight drops of essence of lemon. When the cake is cool, mark it in small squares with a knife. Cover it with icing, and ornament it while wet, with nonpareils dropped on in borders, round each square of the cake.

When the custard is cold, poor it into the glass bowl upon the dissolved cakes, &c. and when the cream is ready, fill up the bowl with it, heaping it high in the middle. You may ornament it with nonpareils. If you choose, you can put in, between the custard and the frothed cream, a layer of fruit jelly, or small fruit preserved. A quart of cream. The whites of four eggs. Half a pint of white wine.

The gentleman held in one hand a cage full of richly-plumed nonpareils, whilst in the other he sported a silk umbrella, on which I could plainly read 'Stolen from I, these words being painted in large white characters.

There are no signs of life, save a lizard darting over the leaves, stopping midway to look at you with bright eyes. In the evening the squirrels come out in countless numbers, and their crashing leaps may be heard in all directions; bright cardinal-birds, Florida jays and gay nonpareils enliven the gloom; the jays chatter in the branches and mocking-birds carol from the topmost limbs.

Then spread jelly or marmalade all over the top of each cake, and lay another upon it. Spread that also with jelly, and so on till you have a pile of five or six, looking like one large thick cake. Trim the edge nicely with a penknife, and cover the top with powdered sugar. Or you may ice it; putting on the nonpareils or sugar-sand in such a manner as to mark out the cake in triangular divisions.

These almond cakes are generally baked in a turban-shaped mould, and the nonpareils put on, in spots or sprigs. Hard, thick-shelled almonds, seldom yield much more than a quarter of a pound, and should therefore never be bought for cakes or puddings. Bitter almonds and peach-kernels can always be purchased with the shells off.

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