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The essential point is that Kinko has not been caught in the act. As soon as possible I will enter the van, and as bankers say, "verify the state of the safe." Before getting into our car, Major Noltitz asks me to follow him to the rear of the train.

We return to our occupation, Ephrinell to his accounts, Mrs. Ephrinell to her work. Nothing is changed in the train. There are only two more married people. Major Noltitz, Pan-Chao and I go out and smoke on one of the platforms, leaving to their preparations the Caternas, who seem to be having a sort of rehearsal in their corner. Probably it is the surprise for the evening.

But we are in the midst of the deserts of Mongolia, where there are no juries as yet, which is a good thing for the Mongols. "Well," said I to the major, "I hope you have abandoned your suspicions with regard to my lord Faruskiar?" "To a certain extent, Monsieur Bombarnac!" Only to a certain extent? Evidently Major Noltitz is difficult to please. But let us hasten on and count our victims.

These latter to the number of two hundred and fifty thousand, followed their example, and the first locomotive entered Merv station in July, 1886. "And the English?" I asked Major Noltitz. "In what way have they looked upon the progress of the Russians through Central Asia?" "Jealously, of course.

You are going to Pekin, so am I. I can speak your language, and it is very likely that you can speak mine." The major made a sign of assent. "Well, Major Noltitz, instead of remaining strangers to each other during the long transit of Central Asia, would it please you for us to become more than mere traveling companions?

None of these travelers, Popof told me, would cross the Russo-Chinese frontier, so that they interested me little or not at all. During dinner, at which all my numbers were present I have twelve now, and I do not suppose I shall go beyond that I noticed that Major Noltitz continued to keep his eye on his lordship Faruskiar. Had he begun to suspect him?

May she gather cargoes of heads of hair from Chinese polls; and may he furnish with artificial teeth every jaw in the Celestial Empire! No. 3, Major Noltitz: he is busy at the hospital he has come to establish at Pekin on behalf of the Russian government, and when the hour for separation strikes, I feel that I shall leave a true friend behind me in these distant lands.

"I am entirely at your disposal," said the major, "and I will be happy to tell you all about General Annenkof, for I was all through the work with him." "I thank you, Major Noltitz. I expected no less than the courtesy of a Russian towards a Frenchman."

It was the town with the seven gates, which an immense wall surrounded in the days of its splendor, and its trade with China has always been considerable. Today it contains eighty thousand inhabitants. I was told this by Major Noltitz, who advised me to visit the town in which he had lived several times. He could not accompany me, having several visits to pay.

Major Noltitz, Caterna, Pan-Chao, Ephrinell, driver and stoker, passengers, Asiatic and European, all resolve to fight for the common safety. On the right of the line, about a hundred yards away, stretches a deep, gloomy thicket, a sort of jungle, in which doubtless are hidden the robbers, awaiting the signal to pounce upon us.