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This was only about a fourth part of the verses which Jasmin had composed. Nodier confessed that he was greatly pleased with them. Turning round to the wife he said, "Madame, poetry knocks at your door; open it. That which inspires it is usually a noble heart and a distinguished spirit, incapable of mean actions. Let your husband make his verses; it may bring you good luck and happiness."

Nodier turned over the leaves of the book for a few minutes, then pointed to the tapestry. "You see that tapestry?" "Yes." "Do you know what it represents?" "No." "John Lackland." "Well, what of it?" "John Lackland is also in this book." The volume, which was in sheep binding and worn at the corners, was indeed a copy of King John. M. Hemonin turned to Nodier and said: "I paid six sous for it."

"Yes, my dear certainly; but " "Your wife is right, sir," said Nodier, thinking that the quarrel was about some debts he had incurred. "Truly, sir," rejoined Jasmin; "if you were a lover of poetry, you would not find it so easy to renounce it." "Poetry?" said Nodier; "I know a little about that myself." "What!" replied Jasmin, "so much the better.

"Let Franche-Comte boast of giving the light to Victor Hugo, to Charles Nodier, and Cuvier," ran the article, "Brittany of producing a Chateaubriand and a Lammenais, Normandy of Casimir Delavigne, and Touraine of the author of Eloa; Angoumois that gave birth, in the days of Louis XIII., to our illustrious fellow-countryman Guez, better known under the name of Balzac, our Angoumois need no longer envy Limousin her Dupuytren, nor Auvergne, the country of Montlosier, nor Bordeaux, birthplace of so many great men; for we too have our poet!

Charles Nodier, his old friend, who had entered the barber's shop some years before to intercede between the poet and his wife, sounded Jasmin's praises in the Paris journals.

It was told by Nodier who was a professional inventor, and by Thiers who gave no authority, and none could be found. But there was a priest who sat outside the door, waiting to offer the last consolations of religion to the men about to die. Fifty years later he was still living, and Lamartine found him and took down his recollections.

Birotteau, Abbe Francois The Lily of the Valley Cesar Birotteau Bourbonne, De Madame Firmiani Listomere, Baronne de Cesar Birotteau The Muse of the Department Troubert, Abbe Hyacinthe The Member for Arcis Villenoix, Pauline Salomon de Louis Lambert A Seaside Tragedy Translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley To Monsieur Charles Nodier, member of the French Academy, etc.

CHARLES NODIER. The Academy, yielding to custom, has suppressed universally the double consonant in verbs where this consonant supplanted euphoniously the d of the radical ad. MYSELF. I avow my profound ignorance. I had no idea that custom had effected this suppression and that the Academy had sanctioned it.

Criticism, assuming an authoritative tone, preferred Lafon to Talma. M. de Feletez signed himself A.; M. Hoffmann signed himself Z. Charles Nodier wrote Therese Aubert. Divorce was abolished. Lyceums called themselves colleges. The collegians, decorated on the collar with a golden fleur-de-lys, fought each other apropos of the King of Rome.

Besides, his friend Nodier had warned him that a poet of his stamp ought not to appear too often at the feasts of the lazy; that his time was too precious for that; that a poet ought, above all, not to occupy himself with politics, for, by so doing, he ran the risk of injuring his talent.