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The Bethlehem Steel Corporation also controls ore properties near Santiago, Cuba, near Nipe Bay, Cuba, and extensive deposits along the northern coast of Cuba; large ore properties at Tofo, Chile, and the Ore Steamship Corporation, a carrying line for Chilean and Cuban ore.

Cautiously, he lifted himself up to the platform, where long-gone passengers had once waited for long-gone trains. Now that he was out of the trench that the tracks lay in, he could move more easily. He moved away from the tracks. "Barbell! He's heard you! Watch it!" But Stanton had already heard the movement of the Nipe. He jerked off the communicator and threw it away.

The more intelligent a creature is, the greater its scope of action. The Nipe is far from being so simple as a monkey or a hamster. On the other hand " He smiled widely, showing bright, white teeth. " he is not so bright as a human being." "What!? I wouldn't say he was exactly stupid, George. What about all those prize gadgets of his?" He blinked. "Wipe the sweat off my forehead, will you?

Now, we can follow the Nipe wherever he goes, so long as he stays in the tunnels. If he went out through an open air exit, we could have him followed by bird-robots but " He shrugged wryly. "I'm afraid the underwater problem still has us stumped. We can't get the carrier wave for the remote-control impulses to go far underwater." "How do you get your carrier wave underground to those tunnels?"

"But how can you be sure they're cannibals?" Stanton asked. "Your argument sounds logical enough, but logic alone isn't enough." "True! True!" Yoritomo jabbed the air twice with his finger. "Evidence would be most welcome, would it not? Very well, I give you the evidence. He eats human beings, our Nipe." "That doesn't make him a cannibal." "Not strictly, perhaps. But consider.

Stanton moved in to press his advantage and landed a beaut on the Nipe's lower left eye. Then he tried a body blow. It wasn't too successful. The alien had an endoskeleton, but he also had a hide that was like somewhat leathery chitin. He pulled back, out of the way of the Nipe's judo cuts. His fists were beginning to hurt, and his leg was paining him badly where the Nipe had clamped on to it.

The outer orbits of the gas giants had been passed at last, and the Nipe fell on through the asteroid belt without approaching any of the larger pieces of rock-and-metal.

Holguin is perhaps two hundred years old, quite pleasantly situated, but affording no special points of interest for the tourist. The city is now easily reached by a branch of the Cuba Railway. It is worth the visit of those who "want to see it all." Beyond Gibara is Nipe Bay, not improbably the first Cuban harbor entered by Columbus.

There were nearly a hundred men in on the operation, operating the robot rats or watching the hidden cameras that spied upon the Nipe. Nearly a hundred. And all of them were safe. They were outside the tunnel. They were with Stanton only in proxy. They could not die here in this stinking hole, but Stanton could. There was no help for it. Stanton had to go in person.

If tigers were rare, this bit of lore might be passed on for many generations. Those who learned that most tigers are not conquered by walking up to them and hitting them on the noggin undoubtedly died before they could pass this bit of information on. Then, one day, a Nipe survived the ordeal. His mind now contained conflicting information, which must be resolved.