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For the Lord would have none of it, and, biding His time, struck through a fortnight of deluge, and hurled church and cliff into ruin. But the yard remained, and, nighest the seaward edge of it, Exciseman Jones slept in his fearful winding sheet and bided his time. "It came when my grandfather were a young man of thirty, and mighty close and confidential with Dark Dignum. God forgive him!

"Charity," observed Captain Josiah Dimick at the time, "begins at home with us Bayporters, and it generally begins up attic, that bein' nighest to heaven." Later Sylvanus sold most of the donations as "antiques" and made money enough therefrom to buy a new plush parlor set. Miss Angeline Phinney never called on the Cahoons after that without making her appearance at the front door.

You'll never have a better offer if you've lost all your money. But your land lies nighest to my farm, and it's worth more to me than anybody else. It wouldn't be a bad bargain for me, Phebe; and I've waited five years for you besides. If you'll only say yes, I'll go down and face mother, and have it out with her at once."

Jabel's glassy eyes shone, and his mouth unclosed like a smile in a fossil pair of jaws. "It's the nighest I ever come to being paid for my investment in Arty and Elk," he said, "to get sech a compliment from Judge Dunlevy!

I wish Caesar had had more gumption. His wife could see furder ahead than he could. But that is often the case, as I tell Josiah. And we went through St. John's Hospice, and the Mosque of Omar. That is a monstrous big building with a great round dome on top, two broad flights of steps lead up into it, we clumb the nighest one and went inside.

Thorstein sent forthwith a messenger to Wick to Flosi, and so to the nighest farm-steads.

So he brought Hallblithe to the timber-bower, where he chose for himself all that he needed of oak-timber of the best; and they loaded the wain therewith, and gave him what he would moreover of nails and treenails and other matters; and he thanked them; and they said to him: "Whither now shall we lead thy timber?" "Down to the sea-side," quoth he, "nighest to my dwelling."

Camp warn't no place for him, and I fetched him here as the nighest, and the best thing I could do for him." "How is he wounded?" "Shot in the shoulder, side, and arm." "Dangerously you said?" "No, ma'am, that warn't and ain't my opinion. The sergeant sent that telegram, and I think he done wrong.

The anxiety on the rigid features of the trapper sensibly deepened, as he leisurely traced these evidences of a conflagration, which spread in a broad belt about their place of refuge, until he had encircled the whole horizon. Shaking his head, as he again turned his face to the point where the danger seemed nighest and most rapidly approaching, the old man said

As he studies, too, he will perhaps wish with me that some great dramatist may hereafter take Eugippius's quaint and rough legend, and shape it into immortal verse. For tragic, in the very nighest sense, the story is throughout.