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Updated: August 23, 2024

Hagar came out with her last tray-load from the dining-room, and set it down upon the table with, "Bress ye, honey, Hagar's glad 'nough to see ye sittin' dar. 'Pears like I never heard de sea shoutin' like it is dis yer ebenin'. Seems as ef all de folks dat de cruel ole monster hab swallered wur jes' openin' the'r moufs and cryin' 'loud!

"En de chilluns, dey had ter put der han's on der moufs fer ter keep fum laffin'. Den Brer Rabbit he got de kittle en commenced fer to po' de hot water on de chist-lid. "'W'at dat I hear, Brer Rabbit? "'You hear de win' a blowin', Brer Wolf. "Den de water begin fer ter sif' thoo. "'W'at dat I feel, Brer Rabbit? "'You feels de fleas a bitin', Brer Wolf.

What Robin saw was only a country lad jogging along on a big raw-boned, blazed-faced horse, whose hipbones could be seen even at that distance. "You know dat ain't my horse!" said the old man, sharply. "You young boys is gittin' too free with you' moufs! Dat horse "

Shut your moufs and open your eyes," said she, waving the tea-spoon, and spattering the bread and milk over their backs. "Quee, quee," squeaked the little mice, very well pleased when a drop happened to go into their mouths. "What are you doing there, Miss Topknot," said Horace: "O, I see; catching rats." Flyaway frowned fearfully, and the tuft of hair atop of her head danced like a war-plume.

It would be foolish to say that Reade was not afraid, but he was determined to keep Ebony from discovering the fact. "Yo's to keep yo' hands up longer dan yo' can keep yo' moufs shut!" scowled the black man, his ugly streak showing once more. "It makes me think of the way we used to play football," laughed Reade, though there was not much mirth in his chuckle.

"Got to keep dere moufs clean if you want dese dogs to bark right;" and he bore away the battery, followed by the colonel, who went down into the kitchen to see if the fire was hot enough to cast a few extra bullets.

"P.S. Mandy Ann, you 'members her, what took care of lil chile. She's a grown woman now in course, an' has ten chillen, 'sides Ted. You 'members Ted, on de 'Hatty. No 'count at all; but Mandy Ann, wall, she's a whopper, an' when she hears de nuse, she 'most had de pow'. She sen's her regrets, an' would come, too, if she hadn't so many moufs to feed, an' Ted doin' nothin' but playin' gemman.

"Arrah, Jerry, let the b'y ate his fill," said Terry: "sure an' a growin' b'y has to ate more'n a grown man, so as to get flesh to grow wid." "Can't do it," said Jerry, "an' won't do it. Didn't mind it so much afore, but now we'se got to 'commonize. Bar's ebber so many more moufs aboard now, an' all on 'em eat like sin.

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