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Updated: August 15, 2024

"Well, what d'ye say y' could paddle for, when y' couldn't?" "I can paddle. I paddled as long as I had anythin' but a sthick." "Oh, you dum landlubber!" smirked Glover. "What if I should order ye to the masthead?" "I wouldn't go," asseverated Sweeny. "I'll moind no man who isn't me suparior officer. I've moindin' enough to do in the arrmy. I wouldn't go, onless the liftinint towld me.

It's to be a gintleman you are, and gintlemen don't fight jist because some Jim Barrows of a fellow says tauntin' words to 'em. You had to kape him off Andy, but moindin' his impudence to yoursilf is another thing." For the first time in his life Pat looked unconvinced of his mother's wisdom, and she went on soothingly, "But sure and I don't belave he'll be sayin' a word to you, Pat.

"Happen I'd better be moindin' ma P's an' Q's a bit more. But that's what this un is, yore Grace. He's a `chap' out an' out. An' theer's some as is sayin' he's not a bad sort of a chap either. There's lots o' funny stories about him i' Temple Barholm village.

"'Well, you see, said Pat, 'I just wint the night to say me cousin, who is a-workin' at the Smit's, an' not moindin' to disturb the docther an' his wife, sure didn't I put the long laddher forninst the windew, intindin' to tak out that new pane of glass that was raycintly tacked in, an' inter in as nate an' quiet as ye plaze: but the lad was scared a bit. Where is he? "'Who? Fred? asked Al.

The doctor was not very strict when he held court during holidays, otherwise he might have told Al to remain silent until he was questioned. "'At Smit's, repeated Pat, 'an' moindin' not to disturb yez by comin' in late, sure I just climbed up to the hall winder, an' as I wur half t'rough, an' wur' takin' somethin' from me pocket' "'A flat bottle, interposed Al. "'A bottle, eh?

They knows, does the cows, that little b'ys is best off somewhere else than tryin' to drive them about sayin, 'Hi! hi! and showin' 'em a stick." The two still showing discontent, she continued: "But geese, now, is different. And who's to be moindin' the geese, if you and Tommie was to go off after the cows?

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