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'Tarry yet a moment, my friends, said Diomed; 'if you will go so soon, you must at least take a share in our concluding game. So saying, he motioned to one of the ministri, and whispering him, the slave went out, and presently returned with a small bowl containing various tablets carefully sealed, and, apparently, exactly similar.

Polanus, speaking of the sacramental elements, saith, Sanctificatio rei terrenae est actio ministri, qua destinat rem terrenam ad sanctum usum, ex mandato Dei, &c. The Professors of Leyden call only such things, persons, times and places holy, as are consecrated and dedicated to God and his worship, and that divina praescriptione.

Such as these must Guarini have apostrophised, as he looked at his slumbering love. "Occhi! stelle mortale! Ministri de miei mali! Se chiusi m'uccidete, Aperti, che farete?" Or, as Clarendon Gage translated it. "Ye mortal stars! ye eyes that, e'en in sleep, Can thus my senses chain'd in wonder keep, Say, if when closed, your beauties thus I feel, Oh, what when open, would ye not reveal?"

Ii fuerant illis appositi præscriptique ministri quos a vinclis immunes antea fidos charosque habebant; id cibi genus eaque condimenta et vestitus eis concedebantur quæ eorum habitudini ac tuendæ sanitati, ipsi consanguinei, nepotes atque affines et amici judicabant esse magis accommoda." State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 634. More's Life of More.

We have confirmation of this in the constitution "promotionis exercitus" of Lewis II., which says "ut nullum ab expeditione aut Comes aut Gastald, vel Ministri eorum excusatum habeant"; and in the life of Gregory II., Anastasius Bibliotecharius tells that at the overthrow of the castrum of Cumae with the help of that pope, "Langobardos pene trecentos cum eorum Gastaldione interfecerunt."

He thus described his triumph: Domum tanquam ex Olympo victorem primarii me comitantur. I ministri o i lor segretari ne faceano la minuta in ispagnuolo, ed egli le recava nella lingua che era allora adoperata come lingua internazionale.

The worst of it is that we have permitted our ministri to become our masters instead of our servants, and that the weak among them far outnumber the strong. In history, however, the minority is always victorious.

Diomed, who was rather ceremonious, had appointed a nomenclator, or appointer of places to each guest. The reader understands that the festive board was composed of three tables; one at the centre, and one at each wing. It was only at the outer side of these tables that the guests reclined; the inner space was left untenanted, for the greater convenience of the waiters or ministri.