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A giddiness was the next symptom, which was not accompanied with nausea. His eyes became watery, and he could not see distinctly; a kind of humming noise in his ears continually disturbed him, until he was reduced to the state of insensibility before described. Plantae affines.

In justice, however, to the public, I must mention that I can vouch for the fact, and trust it may not pass without notice, so far as to let the berries be supposed anything but wholesome. Plantae affines. The idea of Skirrets being confounded with this plant, is, I think, erroneous, if it has leaves on, as they are not pinnated, and very different from it.

She lay nine hours with her hands and feet outstretched, and cold: all this time she had a cadaverous countenance, and her respiration could scarcely be perceived. When she recovered, she complained a long time of a pain in her stomach, and was unable to eat any food, her tongue being much wounded by her teeth in the convulsive fits. Plantae affines. Celery is smaller than this plant.

Curtis's Fl. Lond. fasc. 2. Plantae affines. All the Chenopodia grow with this plant wild, and are somewhat alike in appearance; but the Solanum may at all times be distinguished by its disagreeable strong scent.

The water-courses on the marsh at Northfleet have great quantities of the Apium graveolens growing in them. Plantae affines. Cultivated celery differs from it when young, first in the shape and size of its roots. The Oenanthe is perennial, and has a large root, which on being cut is observed to be full of juice, which exudes in form of globules.

It produced at first nausea and vomiting, and comatose symptoms afterwards; two of the children slept twenty-four hours; when they awoke, they vomited again, and recovered. The other girl could not be awakened during four days; at the expiration of which time she opened her eyes and expired. Plantae affines. It appears that the different species of Chenopodium have been mistaken for this plant.

We might also observe, that the scent is strong and disagreeable in the aethusa: but this property, either in the plant or the poison, is not at all times to be trusted in cases of this nature. Plantae affines. Parsley. The lobes of the leaves are larger in this plant, and are not quite so deep a green. The leaves of fool's parsley are also finer cleft, and appear to end more in a short point.

Under each of the following heads I shall describe such cases as have come under my notice; as they may be useful for comparison: and shall put under each of the more dangerous the Plantae affines, describing as accurately as possible the differences.

Ii fuerant illis appositi præscriptique ministri quos a vinclis immunes antea fidos charosque habebant; id cibi genus eaque condimenta et vestitus eis concedebantur quæ eorum habitudini ac tuendæ sanitati, ipsi consanguinei, nepotes atque affines et amici judicabant esse magis accommoda." State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 634. More's Life of More.

Soon after they were comatose, two of them became convulsed, and died in about three hours. Plantae affines. Parsley differs from this except in size and colour of the leaves. Celery is also much like this plant, and particularly so if found wild; but which, for reasons given before, should never be collected to be eaten.