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You must prove to me that I can be more independent, more honest, more useful as a millionnaire, and that I shall have better and truer friends!" "I don't believe," he said, "you'd have any truer friends." "Anyway," I said repentantly, "I'll admit that millionnaires have their place at present I wouldn't do entirely away with them, though I do think they'd enjoy farming better.

The edifice was small, but the altar and pulpit were handsome, and though the windows were unstained, the light was mellowed by buff inside blinds. The seats were by no means filled, and the congregation was composed of people whose appearance denoted that many belonged to the labouring class, and none to the Brahmin caste of millionnaires, though all were neatly and genteely apparelled.

In a great many cases, a judicious rearrangement of marriage proves that the new-made millionnaires value their recently acquired "old wines" and "ancient pictures," more than their aging wives. They bring much warmth of social color into the local breezy atmosphere of this animated Western picture, these new arrangements of Hymen.

Inspiring thought! A smile of triumph rose to his lips; he felt that the village boy who could look forward to fame as his inheritance was richer than all the millionnaires, and that the words he should set in verse would have an enduring lustre to which the whiteness of pearls was cloudy, and the sparkle of diamonds dull.

I have calculated the chances, and mustered all our available force. We shall have no support among the 'better class, since we are disgraced with the 'millionnaires." At this moment Denslow came in. "Ah! Dalton, like you! I have been looking for you to show the pictures. Devil a thing I know about them. The Duke wondered at your absence." "Where is Honoria?" "Ill, ill, fainted.

But when they begin walking round among their poor patients, they don't commonly start with millionnaires, they find that their new shoes of scientific acquirements have got to be broken in just like a pair of boots or brogans. I don't know that I have put it quite strong enough. Let me try again.

Get back your abstract, or a copy of it, and confide it to me. Gandrin ought to help you; he transacts affairs in a large way. 'Belle clientele' among the millionnaires. But his clients expect fabulous profits, and so does he. As for your principal mortgagee, Louvier, you know, of course, who he is." "No, except that M. Hebert told me that he was very rich."

"Oh, I have no objection to millionnaires," replied the girl, with a short, unmirthful laugh, "but they must begin their suit in a manner differing from that of two who have favored me;" and she went to her room. As Merwyn resembled his deceased parent, so Marian had inherited not a little of her father's spirit and character.

On the other hand, she came to this school to learn, and not to play; and the modest and more plainly dressed girls, whose fathers did not sell by the cargo, or keep victualling establishments for some hundreds of people, considered her as rather in sympathy with them than with the daughters of the rough-and-tumble millionnaires who were grappling and rolling over each other in the golden dust of the great city markets.

What other social sphere could afford room for the vocation so aptly described in the following sketch of his "ways and means," given in a recent picture of life in Paris by a sycophant of millionnaires, at a period when interests, not rights, are the watchwords of the nation?