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Meigs, King never knew, but he took advantage of the diversion in his favor to lead Miss Benson off to the ballroom. The days went by at the White Sulphur on the wings of incessant gayety. Literally the nights were filled with music, and the only cares that infested the day appeared in the anxious faces of the mothers as the campaign became more intricate and uncertain.

And the old lady declared with a shaky voice, and tears streaming down her cheeks, that she was perfectly happy if Irene was. Mr. Meigs, the refined, the fastidious, the man of the world, who had known how to adapt himself perfectly to Mrs. Benson, might nevertheless have been surprised at her implication that he was "like our folks."

"The quo warranto inquiry is instituted in the name of the State; or rather the proceedings are brought by some person with the approval of the governor or the attorney-general, one or both. I took to-day for obtaining this approval because I knew Bucks was out of town and I thought I could bully Meigs." "And you couldn't?" she said. "Not in a thousand years.

Meigs carried a small shot-gun, which he had taken with him for the purpose of shooting a turkey, which at that day abounded to an extent that would hardly be credited at this time. Flocks of several hundred were not uncommon, and of a size and fatness that would excite the admiration of an epicure of any period of the world, even of Apicius himself.

Meigs, the owner of the great sawmill at Port Madison, to come when he was dead, and take him by the hand, and bid him farewell. We learned that the beautiful Port Angeles was to be abandoned, Congress having decided to remove the custom-house to Port Townsend, and that no vessels would go in there. It seemed like leaving Andromeda on her rock. We are going down to make a farewell visit.

Maynard, C.J., on the sexes of Chrysemys picta. Meckel, on correlated variation of the muscles of the arm and leg. Medicines, effect produced by, the same in man and in monkeys. Medusae, bright colours of some. Megalithic structures, prevalence of. Megapicus validus, sexual difference of colour in. Megasoma, large size of males of. Meigs, Dr.

Crawford to the Back road near the mouth of Briery Branch Gap. It was during this period, about dusk on the evening of October 3, that between Harrisonburg and Dayton my engineer officer, Lieutenant John R. Meigs, was murdered within my lines.

Meigs in the lumber business?" asked King. "Only for scenery, I guess. He is great on scenery. He's a Boston man. I tell the women that he is what I call a bric-er-brac man. But you come to set right down with him, away from women, and he talks just as sensible as anybody. He is shrewd enough. It beats all how men are with men and with women." Mr.

"Sorry I ain't got nothing better," apologized Meigs, to whom I had confided my companion's profession I had to account for such a figure somehow. "All my saddle hosses went off with a mine outfit yesterday." "What's the matter with that chestnut in the shed?" "He's all right; fine beast. Only it ain't mine. It belongs to Ramon." "Ramon from Hooper's?" "Yeah."

He had not slept in the barn, for they could hardly have let a cat sleep in the barn on such cold nights; but Melora Meigs had apparently treated him even worse than she had treated me. Kathleen Somers had named some of the unnamed mountains after the minor prophets; as grimly as if she had been one of the people they cursed.