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One day, when in Edmonton, he met Mayor Ross, who had come into the country by the back door some thirty years ago. The tales coaxed from the Mayor's memory corresponded with Ramsey's report; and having nothing but time and money, the ex-President of the C.M. & M. Company determined to go in via the Peace River pass and see for himself.

When he comes to claim the reward he shall have it." "He isn't chained up yet," said Johnnie. "Shall I send him to claim the reward?" But the mayor said he need not trouble; and now he offered a thousand pounds to anyone who would get the dragon chained up again. "I don't trust you," said Johnnie. "Look how you treated my father when he chained up the dragon."

General de .....assures us that he saw him seize the mayor of Avesnes, a respectable old man, by the hair on his presenting him with a petition relating to the town, and throw him down with the air of a cannibal." "He and his brother were dealers in hops at retail, at Saint Pol.

Nicholas Tulrumble was pondering over these things, and inwardly cursing the fate which had pitched his coal-shed in Mudfog, when the letter of the corporation was put into his hand. A crimson flush mantled over his face as he read it, for visions of brightness were already dancing before his imagination. ‘My dear,’ said Mr. Tulrumble to his wife, ‘they have elected me, Mayor of Mudfog.’

Datchery, with an ingenious smile and bow; 'even a diplomatic bird must fall to such a gun. Now this was very soothing. Here was a gentleman of a great, not to say a grand, address, accustomed to rank and dignity, really setting a fine example how to behave to a Mayor. There was something in that third-person style of being spoken to, that Mr.

I have come to bring the fact to your knowledge, as it is my duty to do." "Who is the agent?" asked M. Madeleine. "I," said Javert. "You?" "And who is the magistrate who has reason to complain of the agent?" "You, Mr. Mayor." M. Madeleine sat erect in his arm-chair. Javert went on, with a severe air and his eyes still cast down. "Mr.

Promptly at the hour, she presented herself at Mrs. Gordon's, and they went to the house of the mayor; but that distinguished gentleman was not at home, and the lady promised to go again with her the next day. As she walked home, she thought of what she should say to her mother in favor of the candy project, for she felt sure her mother's pride would throw many obstacles in her path.

The greater part, however, enforced by a new edict, in 1694, the former order of 1687, and sent it to the Mayor and Aldermen, who appointed a committee to treat with the College and settle the mode of administering the charity.

On one occasion the Mayor wrote to him: "We are still under the charm of your verses; and I address you in the name of the poor people of Tonneins, to thank you most gratefully for the charitable act you have done for their benefit. The evening you appeared here, sir, will long survive in our memory. It excited everywhere the most lively gratitude.

'Well, said I, at last, 'what am I to do with this gentleman of ours? nodding to the prisoner, who had now left off struggling. 'Shall I let him go? 'Go! said the other; 'go! The knave the rascal; let him go, indeed! Not so, he shall go before the Lord Mayor. Bring him along.