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"I have changed my hat," the Mayor goes on, "but remember my hat of this morning." "This morning the army and the people were face to face, and there was danger of a conflict; now, however, the people are alone, the people are the masters." "Masters and hostile; have a care!" "No matter, I have promised, and I will keep my promise."

"Seems to me," said the Mayor, assuming judicial functions for the time being, "unless you've disgraced yourself, you can't hurt much by saying. You say you're the Squire's son; this gentleman I didn't catch your name, sir? Armstrong? Mr Armstrong says he's not as sure as you are. Seems to me, if you tell one thing, you may as well tell another.

At last the mayor, being sorely perplexed, discharged him, but warned him that he proposed to inform the prosecuting attorney's office and to ask for orders. The news had spread. On leaving the mayor's office, the old man was surrounded and questioned with serious or bantering curiosity, in which, however, there was no trace of indignation. And he began to tell the story of the string.

His wife and his friend were always at his couch, night and day. He had hours of suffering, but never a second of weariness. He repeated to all who went to see him, that he had come to bless his illness. He said to himself, 'If I had not fallen ill, I should never have known how much I was beloved." "He said the same thing to me," interrupted the mayor, "more than a hundred times.

Some of these men were in the mob that made the first attack on Mayor Opdyke's house, and while apparently acting with it, learned of the intended movement down to police head-quarters, and at once telegraphed the fact, which enabled Carpenter to prepare for them, and give them the terrible beating we have described.

The excitement was intensified by the tuning of instruments in the orchestra, by certain preliminary experiments of a too anxious gasman, and most of all by a delay in beginning. At length the Mayor entered, alone; the interesting absence of the Mayoress had some connection with a silver cradle that day ordered from Birmingham as a civic gift.

On which act of Parliament the lord mayor and aldermen of the city of London founded the order they made at this time, viz., June, 1665; when the numbers infected within the city were but few, the last bill for the ninety-two parishes being but four.

"I'll admit that Stewart seems to be different these days in some respects, but unless he has made a clean change of all his nature in this shift of some of his ideas, you'd better not offer him any more!" warned the Senator. "I never detected any 'For Sale' sign on him!" The Senator's secretary stepped into the study. "Find Mayor Morrison in the ballroom and tell him I want to see him here."

The water was first introduced into the city temporarily at the earnest solicitation of the Mayor, Common Council, and Trustees of Water Works, in which the citizens generally participated, on the occasion of the State Fair, on the 24th of September, 1856.

More than this, her very heart-strings are knit up with those of our child." "Mayor Packard," I had resumed work, "was any letter delivered to her that day?" "That I can not say." Fact one for me to establish. "The wives of men like you men much before the world, men in the thick of strife, social and political often receive letters of a very threatening character."