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Let him also inform her, for her encouragement, that he doubts not, with the divine blessing, to deliver her safely, and that the pains arising therefrom will not be so great as she fears. Then let him stir up the woman's pains by giving her some sharp clyster, to excite her throes to bear down, and bring forth the child. And if this prevails not, let him proceed with the manual operation.

He pulled the capstan-like arms of the motive wheel and the blanketed steel bed slid smoothly under the glittering cylinder. Although George had often been in his stepfather's printing works he now felt for the first time the fascination of manual work, of artisanship, in art, and he regretted that the architect had no such labour. He could indistinctly hear Mr. Prince talking to Marguerite.

The object of sending the Koran down from heaven was that mankind might make it a manual of morals, and not that they should recite it by sections. The sincere publican has proceeded on foot; the slothful Pharisee is mounted and gone asleep.

There is no doubt of the value of manual training as an aid in giving definiteness, directness, exactness to the mind, but mere technical training alone will be barren of those results, in general discriminating culture, which we hope to see in America. The common school is a machine of incalculable value. It is not, however, automatic.

What are the available occupations, and how by manual and mental training may he equip himself for usefulness? How may the home-keeper do her part to make the home attractive and comfortable by a study of domestic science and home-management? Obviously, the curriculum should have a place for such studies as these that are so essential to peace and happiness and comfort in the home.

Pope in that part of his manual where he instructs us to "shoot folly as it flies, And catch the manners living as they rise." Among us, however, the magazine-writer, as he existed in the last century, has left few, if any, representatives.

"Two plummets dropped for one to sound the abyss Of science, and the secrets of the mind," is not near fulfilment. Fortunately the sex does not "love the Metaphysics," and perhaps has not yet produced even a manual of Logic. It must suffice man and woman to "Walk this world Yoked in all exercise of noble end," of a more practical character, while woman is at liberty

They were not bloodthirsty, these Pikes, but they had good reason to suspect all inquirers of being at least deputy sheriffs, if not worse; and a Pike's hatred of officers of the law is equaled in intensity only by his hatred for manual labor.

"I tried to get 'em to cut out this German monkey business of throwing their feet around," confided the chief sadly, "but it's no use, for it's in the military manual." Judged by Central American standards the force was well trained.

But instead, as one by one the formations he used to know are culled from the manual, he watches the new formations with a passive eye and reserves his choleric criticisms for the old reliables' "Echelon to the right" and that maximum of military perfection the "March Past." In rural corps, however, the season consists of fourteen actual days spent in the broiling sun in camp.