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Updated: August 9, 2024

I have cut my thumb quite across to the very bone curse the fellow if there was not another man-midwife within fifty miles I am undone for this bout I wish the scoundrel hang'd I wish he was shot I wish all the devils in hell had him for a blockhead !

Then Socrates, laughing: "My fine fellow, you will have made more than one oration in the Pnyx to-day. And indeed, I myself felt quite exalted, and rapt aloft, like Bellerophon on Pegasus, upon the eloquence of Protagoras and you. But yet forgive me this one thing; for my mother bare me, as you know, a man-midwife, after her own trade, and not a sage." ALCIBIADES. "What then?"

Several of them, among whom appears to have been Mr. Bachiler for his offences as a licenser. Bachiler, he says, "hath been a man-midwife to bring forth more monsters begotten by the Devil and born of the Sectaries within the last three years than ever were brought into the light in England by all the former licensers, the Bishops and their Chaplains, for fourscore years."

He then replied, with a frown, 'Can such a wretch conceive any hopes of entering Elysium? I immediately turned about, and, upon the whole, was rejoiced at his not calling me back." Julian performs the part of a statesman. "It was now my fortune to be born of a German princess; but a man-midwife, pulling my head off in delivering my mother, put a speedy end to my princely life.

He is not a man-midwife; for he would be better skilled in physic than to think fits and madness any ornament to the characters of his heroines: though his Sir Charles had no thoughts of marrying Clementina till she had lost her wits, and the divine Clarissa never acted prudently till she was in the same condition, and then very wisely desired to be carried to Bedlam, which is really all that is to be done in that case.

Surely your mother bare you a scoffer and pitiless, Socrates, and not, as you boast, a man-midwife fit for fair youths."

Slop, the man-midwife, with all our services, and let him know your mistress is fallen into labour and that I desire he will return with you with all speed. It is very strange, says my father, addressing himself to my uncle Toby, as Obadiah shut the door, as there is so expert an operator as Dr.

Slop, the man-midwife; so that no one can say, with reason, that I have not allowed Obadiah time enough, poetically speaking, and considering the emergency too, both to go and come; though, morally and truly speaking, the man perhaps has scarce had time to get on his boots.

He willingly imparted his information, and told them what they should do. For this reason he came to be known as the Obstetrician." Perhaps the term should be translated the man-midwife, for it was rather unusual for men to have much knowledge of this subject. His knowledge of the phenomena of menstruation was as wide and definite. He knew a great deal of how to treat its disturbances.

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