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How much longer his mast or his mainyard would stand he did not know, but as he was fast gaining he determined to make hay while the sun shone, and get far enough ahead, if possible, before the breeze grew fresh, to enable him to shift his sails and fish his spars without being again brought within the reach of visitors as rude as those who had so lately come hurtling into his thin hamper.

To her sails had been stitched gaudy ramping lions of scarlet saye, and from her mainyard, now dipping in the water, had hung the broad two-tailed pennant with the Virgin and Child embroidered upon it.... Then suddenly a voice about him seemed to be saying, "And a half-seven and a half-seven " and in a twink the picture in Abel Keeling's brain changed again.

Here is the devil the sea hath more mercy go back whiles ye may! And now she checked all at once and falls a-shivering, for a voice reached us, a man's voice a-singing fair to hear, and the song he sang was this, 'Hey cheerly O and cheerly O And cheerly come sing O! While at the mainyard to and fro

As she touched the deck out jumped Neptune, leaping and barking with delight at seeing his old shipmates, who patted his head and stroked him as he rushed in and out among them. The boat being hoisted in, and the mainyard being braced round, the frigate was steered as close as the wind would allow in the direction taken by the pirate fleet.

"Hallo! stop your jokes," cried the smith; "if you treat us to any more o' that sort o' thing we'll have ye dipped over the side, and hung up to dry at the end o' the mainyard. Fire away, Ruby, my tulip!" "Ay, that's hit," said John Watt. "Gie us the girl ye left behind ye." Ruby flushed suddenly, and turned towards the speaker with a look of surprise. "What's wrang, freend?

Look sharp now, I must speak the corvette and the frigate as well." "Ay, ay, sir," replied the Englishman, as his mainyard was promptly swung.

The pirates hauled upon a wind to receive the man-of-war, and the fight was immediately renewed, with a brisk fire on both sides, till the Ranger's mainyard was shot down. Under these circumstances, Low abandoned her to the enemy, and fled. Nothing, however, could lessen the fury, or reform the manners, of that obdurate crew.

"No, no, Cap', you haven't loosed your head yet, so far as thinking about us is concerned," observed Jorrocks, who was watching the man he had sent out on the mainyard fasten a block and tackle for lowering down the cots of the two invalids.

When the barque sank in the hollow these gleaming summits rose as high as her mainyard, and the two fugitives, clinging to the weather-shrouds, looked up in terror and amazement at the masses of water which hung above them.

Besides this, a section of the mainyard that had snapped in two at the slings was still held aloft by the truss, the other end of the spar having brought up, against the chain-plates, the brace being twisted round the shrouds and deadeyes in the most wonderful way!