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Levendale did not lose his book he did not leave it in the 'bus! I'm sorry to have to say it but all that is invention on his part why, I don't know." Purdie had listened to this with a growing feeling of uneasiness and suspicion. The clouds centring round Levendale were certainly thickening. "Now, just tell me how do you know all this?" he asked. "Rely on me to the full!"

I have been in every Chinese den and haunt in East London I'm certain that Chang Li is nowhere down there. I have spent money like water employed Chinese and Easterns on whom I could depend there isn't a trace of him! And so we gave up last night. Purvis and I baffled. We've come to you police people " "You should have done that before, Mr. Levendale," said the Inspector severely.

His various listeners had heard all that the old solicitor had said, with evident interest and attention now, one of them voiced what all the rest was thinking. "What makes you think that, Mr. Killick?" asked the man from New Scotland Yard. "Why should Levendale and Purvis have been trapped?" Mr.

Now, you tell me that half-a-dozen of your best men have been trying to track Levendale for two days and nights, and can't get a trace of him! What's the inference? A well-known man can't disappear in that way unless for some very grave reason!

Now then, you know this neighbourhood, and I don't show me the way to Sussex Square I'm going to call on Mr. Levendale at once." John Purdie had a double object in calling on Mr. Spencer Levendale. He had mentioned to Melky that when he met Levendale in the Highlands, Levendale, who was a widower, had his children and their governess with him.

"None! that I know of," she answered. "I've helped my grandfather in this business for some time. I never heard him mention Mr. Levendale. Mr. Levendale never came here, certainly." Melky shook his head, too. "When Mr. Ayscough, and Mr. Lauriston, and me went round to Sussex Square, to see Mr.

It would appear from all you've discovered, amongst you, up to now, that Spencer Levendale has been privately mixed up with old Daniel Multenius in some business which seems to be connected with South Africa. Now, attend to what I say: About the time that I knew Daniel Molteno in Houndsditch, Daniel Molteno had a partner a junior partner, whose name, however, didn't appear over the shop.

At the same instant the click of a switch heralded a flood of electric light, and he started to see a man standing at his side a man who gave him a queer, deprecating smile, a man who was not and yet who was Levendale. "Gracious me!" exclaimed Purdie, "it isn't " "Yes!" said Levendale, quietly. "But it is, though! All right, Purdie come this way."

"At the same time, from all I've heard, I'm rendering you and your friend a very important service, and I think it only fair that I should be remunerated. Give me something towards the expenses of my medical education, Mr. Levendale: give me five hundred pounds."

And you'll notice," he added, turning to the other official, "that this Mr. Levendale only lost this book about four o'clock yesterday afternoon: therefore, it must have been taken to Multenius's shop between then and when we saw it there." "The old man may have found it in the 'bus," suggested a third police officer who had come up. "Looks as if he had." "No, mister," said Melky firmly. "Mr.