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In Sparta, as was natural, lawsuits became extinct, together with money, as the people had neither excess nor deficiency, but all were equally well off, and enjoyed abundant leisure by reason of their simple habits. All their time was spent in dances, feasting, hunting or gymnastic exercises and conversation, when they were not engaged in war.

My father's family, I am told, have been located in the County Tipperary for many generations. I believe they made a great deal of money as contractors to the army of King William in the campaign of which the Battle of the Boyne was the decisive event, but the greater part of this they dissipated about a century ago in lawsuits.

This theory that justice and even the laws were but the will of deity, revealed in various ways, was long generally accepted. In Rome, in the time of the kings, the king was the Pontifex Maximus, and as such, with the help of the College of Priests, declared the laws and decided lawsuits.

In a testament executed in 1498, which has been admitted in evidence before the Spanish tribunals in certain lawsuits among his descendants, he twice declares that he was a native of the city of Genoa: "Siendo yo nacido en Genova." In another part of his testament he expresses himself with a filial fondness in respect to Genoa.

Single combat was common, both with a view to determine the prize of valour, and for the settlement of lawsuits; even disputes among the relatives of princes as to the succession were settled in this way.

The evidence on the other side consists of some statements made several years after, by parties concerned, which are by no means so direct and unequivocal as might be wished, and of a series of depositions taken in some lawsuits instituted by Col. Burr to investigate the truth of this charge.

Political and social condition of North Carolina Taxes Lawsuits Ostentation and extravagance of foreigners and government officers Oppression of the people Murmurs Open resistance The Regulators Willingness of Daniel Boone and others to migrate, and their reasons John Finley's expedition to the West His report to Boone He determines to join Finley in his next hunting tour New company formed, with Boone for leader Preparations for starting The party sets out Travels for a month through the wilderness First sight of Kentucky Forming a camp Hunting buffaloes and other game Capture of Boone and Stuart by the Indians Prudent dissimulation Escape from the Indians Return to the old camp Their companions lost Boone and Stuart renew their hunting.

So much beneath them they reckoned all attention to mechanics arts, and all desire of riches! Lawsuits were banished from Lacedæmon with money. The Spartans knew neither riches nor poverty, but possessed an equal competency, and had a cheap and easy way of supplying their few wants.

He won many of his lawsuits by the straightforward method of showing that the one or two vital statements on which the whole case of the opposition rested were false, inasmuch as they were inconsistent with well-established and incontrovertible facts. An instance of this sort is here described:

He accordingly retired to Belgium, and resided there, forgotten by all mankind, till the year 1830. After the revolution of July he was at liberty to return to France; and he fixed his residence in his native province. But he was soon involved in a succession of lawsuits with his nearest relations "three fatal sisters and an ungrateful brother," to use his own words.