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To Lata is traced the introduction of the large double canoes united by a deck, and which were in use of old in Samoa. Seu i le vaa o Lata, or Seuilevaaolata, "steersman in the canoe of Lata," is a name not yet extinct in Samoa; but the person who bears such a sentential appellation seldom gets more than the first syllable.

Lipomas are also met with growing from the adipose connective tissue between or in the substance of muscles, and, when situated beneath the deep fascia, such as the fascia lata of the thigh, the characteristic signs are obscured and a differential diagnosis is difficult. It may be differentiated from a cold abscess by puncture with an exploring needle.

Because of the manner in which the patella functionates with the trochlea of the femur, comparatively little energy is required to prevent further flexion of the stifle joint. The patella, according to Strangeways, may be considered a sesamoid bone. The capsules are removed. 1. Middle patellar ligament. 2. Stump of fascia lata. 3. Stump of common tendon of extensor longus and peroneus tertius.

Briefly considering the different forms, we may state that the full experimental proof has been given for the origin of gigas and rubrinervis, for albida and oblonga, and even for nanella, which is to be considered as of a varietal nature; with lata the decisive experiment is excluded by its unisexuality. laevifolia and brevistylis were found originally in the field, and never appeared in my cultures.

It fulfilled my hopes, and at once gave proof of the possibility of the direct observation of the origin of species, and of the experimental control thereof. The third generation was in the main a repetition of the second. I tried some 10,000 seedlings and found three lata and three nanella, or nearly the same proportion as in the first instance.

The chief physiological antagonistics of the glutei are the quadriceps femoris and tensor fascia lata. While the leg is supporting weight the stifle joint is fixed in position mainly by the quadriceps femoris group of muscles which are attached to the patella. Tendinous fibres intersect this muscular mass and relieve muscular strain during weight bearing.

We should thus arrive at a demonstration of what Eimer called orthogenesis, or evolution in definite directions. The mutation lata cannot be said to breed true, as the pollen is almost entirely sterile. It has therefore been propagated by crossing with Lamarckiana pollen, with the result that both forms are obtained with lata varying in proportion from 4 per cent. to 45 per cent.

FOLIA opposita, bereviter petiolata, ovato-oblonga, acuminata, intergerrima, reticulato-triplinervia, nervo medio subtus prominente, membranacea, ciliata, utrinque glabra, nervo medio fuscescente-tomentoso, lacte viridia, subtus pallidiora, 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 pollices longa, 8 to 9 lineas lata.

"Excommunicato nuper lata contra Reverendum Patrem nostrum Fratrem Hieronymum nulla est: the excommunication lately pronounced against our reverend father, Fra Girolamo, is null. Non observantes eam non peccant: those who disregard it are not committing a sin." "I shall know better what to say to that when we have had the Trial by Fire," said the shopkeeper.

The species mentioned specifically are lumbrici and ascarides or cucubitini, though the terms long, round, short and broad are also employed, and probably include the tape worm or taenia lata.