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The disease variously named palmus, the jumpers, the twitchers, lata, miryachit, or, as it is sometimes called, the emeryaki of Siberia, and the tic-convulsif of La Tourette, has been very well described by Gray who says that the French authors had their attention directed to the subject by the descriptions of two American authors those of Beard upon "The Jumpers of Maine," published in 1880, and that of Hammond upon "Miryachit," a similar disease of the far Orient.

The next day, men sent by the King of Lâta came to Mânapâla, and said "Some robbers, who were caught after breaking into the king's dwelling, have made their escape, and are known to have come here; give them up immediately, or it will be the worse for you."

This first stage is called the 'rosette. From the reduced stem are afterwards developed one or more long stems with elongated internodes, bearing leaves and flowers. In the mutation lata the rosette leaves are shorter and more crinkled than those of Lamarckiana, and the tips of the leaves are very broad and rounded.

Concerning inheritance of these characteristics nothing can be directly asserted because of the lack of pollen. The new type can only be perpetuated by crosses, either with the parent form or some other mutant. I have fertilized it, as a rule, with lamarckiana pollen, but have often also used that from nanella and others. In doing so, the lata repeats its character in part of its offspring.

The faculty of producing nanella or lata remains the same through all the years. This faculty must be one and the same for all the hundreds of mutative productions of the same form. When and how did it originate? At the outset it must have been produced in a latent condition, and even yet it must be assumed to be continuously present in this state, and only to become active at distant intervals.

Mânapâla, who only wanted an excuse for a quarrel, having heard this insulting message, his eyes red with anger, answered, "Who is the King of Lâta, that I should bow down to him? What have I to do with that low fellow? Begone!"

So it is also with lata, which is pistillate and can only be propagated by cross-fertilization. But though the current belief would expect intermediates at least in this case, they do not occur.

No trees allowed to grow too near the house; in front, a stately flat with stone balustrades. But wherever the eye turned, there was nothing to be seen but park, miles upon miles of park; not a cornfield in sight, not a roof-tree, not a spire, only those /lata silentia/, still widths of turf, and, somewhat thinly scattered and afar, those groves of giant trees.

Among these are Orthoceras bullatum, Platyschisma helicites, Bellerophon trilobatus, Chonetes lata, etc., with numerous defenses of fishes. These beds, therefore, now generally called the "Downton Sandstone," are classed as the newest member of the Upper Silurian. They are well seen at Downton Castle, near Ludlow, where they are quarried for building, and at Kington, in Herefordshire.

On the fifth day the diminished fleet of boats entered the Lata, a tributary coming down from the Mudong Alan and Saat mountains, from the slopes of which the water runs also to the Rejang River and the Batang Kayan. Here the boats were left behind and the expedition went forward on foot, making but slow progress in the rocky river-bed.