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"I drew out my watch, felt her pulse, looked grave, inquired though it was useless, her embonpoint having revealed it what were her general habits and régime; and then, having written a prescription, urged the necessity of her abandoning café au lait, rich consommés, and high-seasoned entrées; recommended early rising and constant exercise; and promised that a strict attention to my advice would soon restore her health, and with it her shape.

Gif I had the abilitie of bodie, I suld not have put you to the pain to the whilk I now requyre you, that is, ance to visit me that we may confer together on heavenly things; for into earth there is no stability except the Kirk of Jesus Christ, ever fighting under the cross; to whose myghtie protection I heartilie commit you. Of Edinburgh the VII. of September 1572. "Haist lest ye come too lait."

But the zigzags last no more than Paddy's fall, and in due time we were all coming to our senses over <i>cafe au lait</i> in the little inn at Faido. After Faido the valley, plunging deeper, began to take thick afternoon shadows from the hills, and at Airolo we were fairly in the twilight.

I can assure you my lodgings in the Quartier Latin are not what you would call sumptuous, but they are comfortable enough, and they do not stand me in a quarter of what I paid for my chambers in London. I can dine sumptuously on a franc and a half. Another franc covers my breakfast, which is generally café au lait and two eggs; another franc suffices for supper.

In the cool, spacious dining room the snow-white tablecloth was a delight to the eye and the steaming cafe au lait seemed delicious.

Apparently under this name there are several tribes inhabiting lands of various elevations; some are coloured cafe au lait, as if born in a high and healthy region; others are almost jet black with the hair frightfully "wispy," like a mop. Generally the head is bullet-shaped, the face round, the features negroid, not negro, and the hands and feet large but not ill- shaped.

The complexion is the Abyssinian cafe au lait, contrasting strongly with the sooty skins of the coast; and the hair, plentifully anointed with rancid butter, hangs from the head in lank corkscrews the colour of a Russian pointer's coat. The figure is rather squat, but broad and well set. The Gudabirsi are as turbulent and unmanageable, though not so bloodthirsty, as the Eesa.

They had also saved up some money, and being now very old and garrulous, they were not of much use in the house. Marius had long since married and left. About eight o'clock it began to rain, a fine icy rain, driven by a light breeze. On the kitchen table, some cups of cafe au lait were steaming. Jeanne sat down and sipped hers, then rising, she said, "Come along."

Well, the ungrateful Augustine whom, it is true, I have not seen for thirty years swore most sincerely that she knew nothing of me but my books. She had forgotten everything! Everything all that had played such an important part in my life the broken glasses, the Wallachian prince, the rehearsal of "Lait d'Anesse," and the boots of the heavy dragoons.

To miss the fullness of the tide gave her, when by chance there was deficiency, the feeling that badly made café au lait gave her at the beginning of the day; something was wrong; the expected stimulant lacked in force or in flavour, and coffee that was not strong and sweet and aromatic was a mishap so unusual that, when it occurred, it became an offence almost gross and unnatural, as did a post that brought few letters of homage and appreciation.