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We were working for the glory of the Emperor, but he forbade it!" "I did not believe the government of Japan would descend to any such despicable work," Ned said. "You fellows are cranks! You would have worked great harm to your Emperor if you had succeeded. By the way," he added, "what did you do with Lieutenant Gordon?" Gostel glared at his questioner, but Itto beckoned Ned to his side.

The boy, however, was not in view from the place where they stood, and they had no reason to suspect his presence there, so he remained quiet and listened with all his ears to the low-voiced conversation carried on between the two. "And these are the latest?" Itto asked, referring to papers in his hand. "Yes, they are the last." "And the showing " The newcomer shrugged his shoulders.

"You all know what happened. Pedro did not succeed in getting either the papers or the necklace. He remained in the house until the others became anxious and sent three men on to New York to accomplish what Pedro did not seem capable of doing. One of these men was Gaga and one was Itto.

"Yes, very deep under the Lake of Gatun," was Itto's reply. Again Van Ellis bent over the drawings, tracing on one with the point of a pencil. "There are millions here," he said. "We have only to stretch forth our hands and take them." "The wealth of a world," Itto observed. The men talked together in Spanish for a long time, and Ned tried hard to make something of the discussion, but failed.

Van Ellis went there to call the whole thing off, but Gostel and Itto lied to them. I heard Gaga admit to Itto that there were no emeralds under the canal line. I found there another map of the dam, with marks where the bombs were to be placed. Then, when I got back to Culebra and found that Lieutenant Gordon had been abducted, I knew that the job was set for that night."

"You see for yourself," he said. "Well," Itto said, directly, "it does not matter, does it?" "Not in the least." "If the information does not leak out," Itto went on, "there will be no change in our plans. We cannot afford to wait." "For our country's sake there must be no delay."

The impression was in the lad's mind from the moment of his meeting Gostel that the two men, Itto and Gostel, were in the plot for some purpose of their own, a purpose which was not the accumulation of money, and which did not match the motives of the others. About six o'clock Chester arose to his feet. "I must go back to camp," he said. "But there is a meeting to-night," Van Ellis urged.

He suspected that men high up in finance were back of the plot, and wanted to get the whole group. He thought he knew why Harvey, Van Ellis and some of the others were in the plot. He was quite certain that he did. But he was not so certain of the motives of Itto, the Japanese. They might never be revealed unless the game was checked at the right moment.

Come hither and listen to our songs, O friends. Tlaocolxochi ixayoticaya ic nichuipana in nocuic nicuicani, niquimilnamiqui in tepilhuan, in teintoque, in tlaçotitoque in campa in ximohuaya, in oteuctico, in otlatocatico in tlallia icpac, in quetzalhuahuaciuhtoque in chalchiuhteintoque in tepilhuan, in maoc imixpan in maoc oquitlani; in ye itto in tlalticpac iximachoca in tloque in nahuaque.

It is injudicious to go on now." "The date referred to was also set for action in New York," Itto said. "Yes, but the thing is inadvisable now, for Shaw has been warned." It was plain to Ned that he would have to get away from the old stone house and decide upon some effective means of meeting this emergency. He had work to do in New York as well as in Gatun.