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"And where ith Buthter going to thleep?" "In the middle." "That ith all right. I don't withh to be too clothe to her. We might thquabble all night." "Now, Tommy, you first," nodded Harriet. Tommy took her place on the canvas with great care, gathering her skirts about her, turning around and around as if in search of the softest possible place on which to lie.

Thus readily does the rough diamond of a good heart and brain, under the guiding hands of Ambition and Love, take its polish from contact with the world and with society! "Dear Uncle Ith!" said the bridegroom. "Happy to see you, Uncle Ith!" exclaimed Fayette Overtop, who, with Marcus Wilkeson and Matthew Maltboy, had been drawn from the second floor at the mention of his name.

"What doeth the fourth offither do?" "Not much of anything." Tommy nodded approvingly. "Then I am that," she announced. "Harriet ith a good captain. Harriet knowth thomething about everything." Harriet shook her head. She protested that she knew nothing at all about any boat larger than a rowboat. To be the captain of a scow, was something of a responsibility.

Sammy flinched at that; and he said "Ouch!" once, and screwed up his face, when the doctor his gruffness all gone, his eyes gentle and sad, his hand as light as a mother's worked the joint, and felt the knee-cap and socket with the tips of his fingers. "And is this the rheumatiz the Prompt Exterminator is to cure, Sammy?" he asked. "Ith, zur." "Ah, is that where it hurts you?

OI, OI, OI! Thuch a big girl! Travelling alone, without mamma? Bought a ticket all by herthelf and travelth alone! AI! What a howwid girl! And where ith the girl'th mamma?" At this moment a tall, handsome, self-assured woman appeared from the COUPE and said calmly: "Get away from the child. What a despicable thing to annoy strange children!"

"Angelina, she didn't mind my pursyflage, but she just stood there quiverin' all over, lookin' at her prize. "'Ith that my dolly? she says. "'That's your sure-enough dolly, little gal, I says. "She took hold of it her little arms was stiff as railroad ties and her hands was cold. "She looked at me again and whispered: "'Ith that my dolly, really, truly, mithter?

The clatter of old Trimmer's backgammon, Slowe's disputations over the draftboard with Colonel Stafford, Collop's dissertation on the points of that screw of a horse he wanted to sell, and the general buzz of talk, were all almost instantaneously suspended on the appearance of this phantom, and Puddock exclaimed 'Gentlemen, I'm thorry to tell you, Captain Cluffe ith, I fear, drowned!

"It may belong t' me, an' then again, it maybe don't. It ain' gunna git me in no trouble; I'll luk out f'r that. YOUR side's where the trouble is; that's what's eatin' into you. An' I'll tell you flat-foot, your gittin' rough 'ith me and playin' Charley the Show-Off in front o' yer lady- friends'll all go down in the bill.