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"You said," she continued, "it shouldn't make no difference, what I'd done 'fore you married me. You said we couldn't help the past, but we could what's comin' to us. An' I thought you was an angel, Isr'el, with your religion an' all. Not many men would ha' said that. I didn't know one. An' we were married an' you changed." "Yes," he said.

"I've had it in mind quite a spell, an' I dunno's there's any reason for puttin' on't off." "What you goin' after, Isr'el?" she asked, against her will, and he was silent for what seemed so long, that she pursued: "You goin' rabbitin'?" "No," said Tenney. "I dunno's I be. What's the use o' shootin' down four-footed creatur's? T'other ones'll do well enough for me."

He stopped and she came running; she was no longer pale, and her eyes were rimmed with red. She came up with him. "Isr'el," she said, "you think o' this. You think of it all day long. 'I'm goin' through it alone, you says to yourself mebbe, after you've got off there into the woods. 'But I ain't alone. He'll be with me, the Lord Jesus Christ. An' you remember there's that to think on.

"Now don't you go and be foolish, Isr'el!" she said. "Maria," said he, "I want to say to you that I feel to be very thankful. I've got a good wife now."

The warmth of the fire was pleasant; a table was spread with supper. One of the women was bringing the teapot from the stove, and the other was placidly knitting a blue yarn stocking. It seemed as if Martha Haydon herself might at any moment come out of the pantry door or up the cellar stairs. "We was just about ready for you, Isr'el," said his sister-in-law Stevens, glancing at him eagerly.

"In bed?" I asked. "No, sir no, siree! He was in hell that's where he was reg'lar ol' fashioned, down-east hell, burnin' with fire an' brimstun, that he'd had the agency for an' had recommended to every sinner in the neighborhood. He was settin' in his room. God o' Isr'el!

And shewed the wagons for a confirmation Which being manifest before his eyes, He rais'd himself, and said, It doth suffice; Joseph my son is yet alive, and I Will go to see him once before I die. Then Isr'el setting forward on his way With all his household, came to Beersheba; And offer'd sacrifice there to implore The God his father Isaac did adore.

And in the land of Egypt ev'n in Goshen, Did Isr'el dwell, and therein had possession; And grew and multiply'd exceeding fast. And Jacob liv'd till seventeen years were past: So that the sum of Jacob's age appears To be an hundred forty-seven years.

Charlotte, standing above him, put her hand on his shoulder. "Johnnie," she said, "Isr'el Tenney's been here. He wants you to give him back his gun." "Oh," said Raven, taking his head out of his hands and sitting up. "His gun?" "He says," Charlotte continued, her voice shaking, "Tira's run away.

Don't think of them." But she would tell him. It seemed as if she had to justify herself. "He told me he wanted to come in. 'You can't, says I, 'not whilst I live. An' he laughed an' stood there an' dug his heel into the snow an' waited, kinder watchin' the road till Isr'el hove in sight with his dinner pail. An' then I see it all.