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It has already been noted at the end of a previous chapter that on closing the magnetic iron-ore concentrating plant at Edison, New Jersey, he resolved to work on a new type of storage battery. It was about this time that, in the course of a conversation with Mr.

The very few fossils we find in the upper Archaean rocks are so similar to those we shall discuss in the next chapter that we may disregard them, and the seams of carbon-shales, iron-ore, and limestone, suggest only, at the most, that life was already abundant. We must turn elsewhere for some information on the origin and early development of life.

It is crossed by small veins of brown iron-ore, which separate into very thin plates or scales. I arrange the various formations in the order which I fancied I could discern on the spot.

The enthusiasm faded away from his eyes, and the look of a man who is thinking took its place. Presently, in a hesitating, undecided way, he said: "Well, I it don't seem quite enough. That that is a very valuable property very valuable. It's brim full of iron-ore, sir brim full of it! And copper, coal, everything everything you can think of! Now, I'll tell you what I'll, do.

They require less attention, because they are in large measure inevitable. Almost exactly 75 per cent of the iron-ore raised in Germany in 1913 came from Alsace-Lorraine. In this the chief importance of the stolen provinces lay. There is no question but that Germany must lose these ore-fields. The only question is how far she is to be allowed facilities for purchasing their produce.

This sandstone contains fragments of quartz, and even of feldspar, cemented by indurated clay. It exhibits little veins of brown iron-ore, which separate in laminae, or plates, of one line in thickness. We had already found these plates on the shores between Encaramada and Baraguan, where the missionaries had sometimes taken them for an ore of gold, and sometimes for tin.

If the total production falls below 108 millions the Entente will examine the situation, after hearing Germany, and take account of it." 21,136,265 tons out of a total of 28,607,903 tons. The loss of iron-ore in respect of Upper Silesia is insignificant.

A ship sailed from there in 1608 freighted with "iron-ore, sassafras, cedar posts and walnut boards." Seventeen tons of iron were made from this ore, and sold for four pounds per ton. This was the first iron ever made from American ores. The first iron-works ever erected in this country were, of course almost, burned by the Indians, in 1622, and in connection three hundred persons were killed.

The great Tayeh iron-mines, although entirely Chinese-owned, were already being tapped to supply iron-ore for the Japanese Government Foundry at Wakamatsu on the island of Kiushiu.

Our guides assured us that they attempt to defend themselves only when irritated by being seized by their legs. I was not tempted to try the experiment on myself. The dip of the needle at the Silla was one centesimal degree less than in the town of Caracas. This banded magnetic iron-ore is found also in the Sierra Nevada of Merida.