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The imperial city of Constantine was the central point of ecclesiastical magnificence, of courtly splendor, of taste, of all intellectual culture. To the Greeks the Russians were indebted for their religion, their civilization and their social culture.

Good again; but then all confess that somehow whaling is not respectable. Whaling not respectable? Whaling is imperial! By old English statutory law, the whale is declared "a royal fish." Oh, that's only nominal! The whale himself has never figured in any grand imposing way. The whale never figured in any grand imposing way?

Villagran was likewise convinced of the impossibility of defending that place, and anticipating the design of the Araucanian general, ordered all the inhabitants to withdraw, part of whom retired to Imperial and the rest to Conception.

One hundred and fifty thousand Imperial thalers in old Fredericks d'or, money saved from the revenues of the estate-tail of R sitten; this sum has been set aside for the building of the castle. R sitten, on Michaelmas Eve of the year 1760. RODERICK, FREIHERR von R.

"One would think," said Barneveld, comparing what was then the future with the real past, "that these plans in Prague against the Elector-Palatine are too gross for belief; but when I reflect on the intense bitterness of these people, when I remember what was done within living men's memory to the good elector Hans Frederic of Saxony for exactly the same reasons, to wit, hatred of our religion, and determination to establish Imperial authority, I have great apprehension.

On August 15, 1914, the Japanese Government presented an ultimatum to the German Government, in which the latter was required "to deliver on a date not later than September 15 to the Imperial Japanese authorities, without condition or compensation, the entire leased territory of Kiao-Chau with a view to the eventual restoration of the same to China."

We have respectfully received the following Imperial Edict from Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Dowager Lung Yu: On account of the perilous situation of the State and the intense sufferings of the people, We some time ago commanded the Cabinet to negotiate with the Republican Army the terms for the courteous treatment of the Imperial House, with a view to a peaceful settlement.

The Grand Duke looked at Ivan Ogareff for some moments with extreme attention. Then he said, "On the 15th of July you were at Moscow?" "Yes, your Highness; and on the night of the 14th I saw His Majesty the Czar at the New Palace." "Have you a letter from the Czar?" "Here it is." And Ivan Ogareff handed to the Grand Duke the Imperial letter, crumpled to almost microscopic size.

"You remember," replied his leader, "the long march near Laodicea, where the Varangians beat off a cloud of Turks, and retook a train of the imperial baggage? You know what was done that day how you quenched your thirst, I mean?"

For these strange results of imperial thinking neither Froude nor any of his contemporaries were prepared. But they correspond accurately, especially the second of them, with the "attempt made by politicians ambitious of distinguishing themselves," against which Froude warned his countrymen. Froude was no scientific economist. He believed in "free trade within the Empire," which is not free trade.