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One day, two wicked Captains, finding him prostrate in some lone place, cut off his Kammerherr KEY; and privately gave it to his Majesty. Majesty, in Tabagie, notices Gundling's coat-breast: "Where is your Key, then, Herr Kammerherr?" "Hm, hah unfortunately lost it, Ihro Majestat!" "Lost it, say you?" and his Majesty looks dreadfully grave.

"He," the Herr Professor here, "has also treated of GERMAN LETTER-WRITING, and has published specimens." KING. "So? GELLERT. "ACH JA, that have I, IHRO MAJESTAT!" KING. "But why doesn't it change? They bring me whole sheets of that stuff, and I can make nothing of it!" GELLERT. "If your Majesty cannot alter it, still less can I. I can only recommend, where you command."

"Close to it, IHRO MAJESTAT. My poor mansion, Schloss of Deutsch-Kessel, is some fifteen miles hence; how infinitely at your Majesty's service, should the march prove inevitable, and go that way!" "Well, perhaps!" I find Friedrich did dine, the second day hence, with one of these Gentlemen; and lodged with the other.

GELLERT. "IHRO MAJESTAT, for that I need two things, health and means." KING. "What is your complaint? "I have myself suffered from that. I will prescribe for you. You must ride daily, and take a dose of rhubarb every week." GELLERT. "ACH, IHRO MAJESTAT: if the horse were as weak as I am, he would be of no use to me; if he were stronger, I should be too weak to manage him."

"Not only I, but the whole Army firmly believe it of your Majesty." "You are quite right," added the King, in a confidentially candid way: "We will manage Daun. We will rest ourselves here, a few days; then go for Silesia, and deliver Neisse." "IHRO MAJESTAT, the Devil stole them all, last night!"

KING. "The English Ambassador has spoken highly of you to me. Where do you come from?" GELLERT. "From Hainichen, near Freyberg." KING. "Have not you a brother at Freyberg?" GELLERT. "Yea, IHRO MAJESTAT." KING. "Tell me why we have no good German Authors." "Your Majesty, you see here one before you; one whom the French themselves have translated, calling him the German La Fontaine!"

GELLERT. "IHRO MAJESTAT, him I also fling away." KING. "Well, if I continue here, you must come again often; bring your FABLES with you, and read me something." GELLERT. "I know not if I can read well; I have the singing kind of tone, native to the Hill Country." KING. "JA, like the Silesians. No, you must read me the FABLES yourself; they lose a great deal otherwise.

"NEIN, IHRO MAJESTAT!" answered Prittwitz with enthusiasm; charged fiercely, he and his few, into the swarms of Cossacks; cut them about, held them at bay, or sent them else-whither, while the Adjutants seized Friedrich's bridle, and galloped off with him. At OEtscher and the Bridges, Friedrich found of his late Army not quite 3,000 men. Even Wunsch is not there till next morning.

'Let me see him, said the King. Kappel was sent up, about midnight, King still dressed; sitting on a sofa, by the fire; Kappel's look was satisfactory; Kappel knows several roads to Strehlen, in the darkest night. 'JA, IHRO MAJESTAT, I know it! 'Be ready, then, at 4.

But a certain Sergeant, Fugleman, or chief Corporal, stept out, saluting reverentially: "Regiment Bernburg, IHRO MAJESTAT ?" "Hm; well, you did handsomely. Yes, you shall have your side-arms back; all shall be forgotten and washed out!" "And you are again our Gracious King, then?" says the Sergeant, with tears in his eyes.