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The old folks, whilst waitin', set outside on the porches of the houses at the settlemint, an' repeated some o' the sermons they hed hearn at camp, an' more'n one raised a hyme chune.

And so the numbers grew and the waves of song swelled. The adagios and largos of ancient psalmody were engulfed and the modern "hyme toons," as the mountain people called them, were so "peert an' devilish" that the most heedless grew attentive, and lovers of raw peanuts, and even devotees of tobacco, emptied their mouths of these and filled them with praise.

I likes ter git a tex' or the eend o' a hyme set a-goin' in my head seems somehow ter teach itself ter the anvil, an' then it jes says it back an' forth all day. Yestiddy I never seen its beat 'Christ war born in Bethlehem. The anvil jes rang with that ez ef the actial metal hed the gift o' prayer an' praise."

An' the young fry they hed hed a steady diet o' sermons an' hyme chunes fur fower days they tuk ter stragglin' off down the road, two an' two, like the same sorter id jits the world over, leavin' word with the old folks that the wagin would overtake 'em an' pick 'em up on the road when it passed.

Negative grunts and shakes of the head signified that nobody had ever heard of this. "Well, den," said the preacher, gazing blandly around, "all de udder women got 'em yit." A deep silence fell upon the assembly, and in a few moments an elderly member arose. "Brudder Pete," he said, "I reckin you mought as well gib out de hyme."

"I never knowed a meetin' woke ter sech a pint o' holiness. The saints jes rampaged around till it fairly sounded like the cavortin's o' the ungodly," a retrospective voice chimed in. "I raised thirty-two hyme chunes," said the musician, who had a great gift in quiring, and was the famed possessor of a robust tenor voice.

"Ye micht gie thae thochts o' mine to the Session gin the maitter comes up again aboot the hymes, ye ken, aboot hoo they micht be made intil a prayer." I silently gave the promise. "An' mair I dinna forbid ye to sing a bit hyme at the funeral. Let Wullie Allison lift the tune, for he aye keeps the time. Yon Methody's hyme wad dae: "'Hide me, oh, my Saviour hide Till the storm of life is past,

"An' what's mair, it kind o' came to me that a hyme micht be a prayer, ye ken. Noo, your prayer in the kirk is no' inspired. That is, no' like Dauvit's psalms but it's upliftin' for a' that. An' I'm thinkin' that mebbe it's nae waur to lilt a prayer than to speak yin, an' mebbe the great Methody was prayin' when he said: "'Let me to Thy bosom fly,

Negative grunts and shakes of the head signified that nobody had ever heard of this. "Well, den," said the preacher, gazing blandly around, "all de udder women got 'em yit." A deep silence fell upon the assembly, and in a few moments an elderly member arose. "Brudder Pete," he said, "I reckin you mought as well gib out de hyme." Mark Twain My father was a St.