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Updated: August 17, 2024

CEREALS: The inner, white parts of wheat, corn, rye, oats, barley, buckewheat and rice. FRUITS: Bananas. NUTS: Chestnuts Carbohydrates Sugars Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Producers of Heat and Energy FRUITS: Bananas, dates, figs, grapes, raisins. DAIRY PRODUCTS: Milk. NATURAL SUGARS: Honey, maple sugar. COMMERCIAL SUGARS: White sugar, syrup, glucose, candy. NUTS: Cocoanuts. Hydrocarbons Fats and Oils

Solid matter is most easily provided by burning a gas rich in dense hydrocarbons, not a poor and non-luminous gas. To mix the gas with air so as to destroy and burn up these hydrocarbons seems therefore to be a retrograde step, useful undoubtedly in certain cases, as in the Bunsen flame of the laboratory, but not the ideal method of combustion.

The valuable constituents actually extracted are then these: benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, anthracene, and phenol or carbolic acid. One ton of Lancashire coal, when distilled in gas retorts, yields about 12 gallons of coal-tar. Let us now learn what those 12 gallons of tar will give us in the shape of hydrocarbons and carbolic acid, mentioned as extracted profitably from tar.

Anything which will increase the temperature of the flame will also increase the illuminating power, provided, of course, that the increase in temperature is not obtained at the expense of the too rapid combustion of the hydrocarbons.

Finally, we find almost always in protoplasm other substances composed of carbon and hydrogen and oxygen which are called hydrocarbons, distinguished from carbohydrates by the fact that the number of oxygen atoms is less than half the number of hydrogen atoms.

The light and heat of these hydrocarbons we may think of, therefore, as a gift to the civilized life of our race from the humble organisms, both animal and vegetable, of the remote past, whose remains were entombed in the sediments of the Ordovician and later geological ages. Petroleum is very widely disseminated throughout the stratified rocks.

All the useful sources of colours and dyes from coal-tar are simply compounds of carbon and hydrogen hydrocarbons, as they are called, with the exception of one, namely, phenol, or carbolic acid. I am not speaking here of those coal-tar constituents useful for making dyes, but of those actually extracted from coal-tar for that purpose, i.e. extracted to profit.

It was only yesterday that he learned that he had probably erred hitherto in the choice of his nourishment; that he must reduce by two-thirds the quantity of nitrogen he absorbs, and largely increase the volume of hydrocarbons; that a little fruit, or milk, a few vegetables, farinaceous substances now the mere accessory of the too plentiful repasts which he works so hard to provide, which are his chief object in life, the goal of his efforts, of his strenuous, incessant labour are amply sufficient to maintain the ardour of the finest and mightiest life.

These proportions to be modified in such manner that the musculo-albuminates shall not sensibly exceed the normal ratio, for meat in excess itself furnishes fat during transformation. The fatty substances of easy digestion may, without inconvenience, be utilized in doses of two to three ounces. The hydrocarbons should be reduced to a minimum.

It is by no means improbable, however, that these hydrocarbons are, at least in part, products of the action of the sulphuric acid. Cahours and Kraemer's and Godzki's observations on the higher fractions of crude wood spirit, in fact, furnish a precedent for this view.

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